
  • The United States won the Battle of Midway

    The United States won a important battle at midway which turned the tide of the fighting in the Pacific
  • Germany's first major defeat

    Germany lost in Stalingrad and this was the first major German loss.
  • D-Day invasion of France

    The Allied forces invade Normandy beach on D-Day which was a major event in the course of WWII.
  • The Atomic bombs were dropped on Japan

    The Atomic Bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were the first nuclear weapons to be used in combat
  • The United Nations was created

    the United Nations was created in place of the League of Nations
  • The Cold war begins

    The Cold War was started between Russia and the United States
  • Israel was recognized as a state from the United States

    Israel was created and the US recognized it as a country on the same day.
  • The Korean War begins

    the Korean War began with South and North Korea