3500 BCE
The Beginning: Clay Tablets
Clay tablets were used to record pictographs in ancient places such as
[link text](Sumerhttp://www.bisd.us/curriculum/Old%20Files/Downloads/Frameworks/Secondary/Language%20Arts/COMMUNICATION%20TIMELINE.pd) -
200 BCE
The Beginning: Books
Books were beginning to be written down on parchment instead of bamboo dipped in pigment like Chinese Scholars in 500BC -
The Beginning: Mail
Roman couriers would transport mail across -
Mar 2, 600
The Beginning: The Printing of the Paper
China began printing books -
Mar 2, 1200
The Beginning: Letters
European monasteries communicated by a letter system -
The Beginning: Newspaper
First regularly published newspaper was in Germany -
The Beginning: American Library
In Philadelphia Ben Franklin started a circulated library -
The Beginning: The Eraser
The eraser came about. The eraser is frequently used in writing. -
The Beginning: White Out
Swedish chemist invents the future paper whitener -
The Beginning: The Pen
Steel pen points begin to replace quill feathers -
The Beginning: Innovation in Paper
Paper starting being made from vegetable fibers instead of rags -
The Beginning: Typewriter
An Italian Turri builds a typewriter for a blind contessa -
The Beginning: Telegraph
An electro-chemical telegraph was created in Germany -
Advancements on Paper
The U.S creates paper using wood fibers -
Advancement of Money
The U.S creates paper money -
Advance in the use of the Typewriter
The typewriters become common in the work place -
Yellow Pages
The Yellow Pages came into use -
The Television
The electric television is broadcast in L.A and Moscow -
The Beginning: The Ball Point Pen
The modern ball point pen was created; but in 1943 the first models were commercialized. -
The Soviet Union sends a signal from space using a Sputnik -
The Phone
The cordless phone comes into use -
The Advancements of the Computer
The Apple1 comes out -
Cell Phones
The cellular network starts in the U.S -
Cell Phones
The camera phone comes out -
The Advancements of the iPhone
The iPhone becomes popular fast and was created