In the 1920s sparked an entirely new wave of learning; on-air classes began popping up for any student within listening range. -
Overhead Projector
Ballpoint Pen
Videotapes arrived on the scene in 1951, creating a new and exciting method of instruction. -
The Photocopier
Allowing for mass production of material on the fly. -
The Scantron system
Allowed educators to grade tests more quickly and efficiently. -
Allows for quick mathematical calculations. -
Apple’s infamous Mac (which later evolved into the Powerbook) -
Toshiba released its first mass-market consumer laptop. -
The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web was given life. -
The Internet Commercialized
The National Science Foundation (NSF) removed restrictions on the commercial use of the Internet. -
Personal Digital Assistants
The first Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) were released by Apple Computer Inc. -
Classroom Computers & Internet
By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom computers had Internet. -
Classroom Technology Today
More than 45% of schools reported having a computer for each student and an additional 37% had a computer for each student in some grades or classrooms.