• Period: to

    19 th Century

  • Locomotive

    Inventor: Richard Trevithick.
    Part of the railway equipped with a motor that moves or pulls the wagons.
  • Anesthesia

    Inventor: William Morton.
    Anesthesia is a controlled medical act in which drugs are used to block the tactile and painful sensitivity of a patient, whether in all or part of their body and whether with or without compromise of conscience.
  • Telephone

    Inventor: Antonio Meucci.
    It's a telecommunication device designed to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
  • Dirigible

    Inventor: Solomon Andrews.
    It is a self-propelled aerostat with the ability to maneuver to be handled like an aircraft.
  • Pasteurization Method

    Pasteurization Method
    Inventor: Louis Pasteur.
    It is a thermal process that is carried out in liquids (generally food) with the intention of reducing the presence of pathogens (such as certain bacteria, protozoa, molds, yeasts, etc.) that they may contain.
  • Sterilization Process

    Sterilization Process
    Inventor: Nicolás Appert.
    It's the process by which a product free of viable microorganisms is obtained.
  • Gramophone

    Inventor: Emile Berliner. It was the first sound recording and reproduction system to use a flat disk, as opposed to a phonograph that recorded on a cylinder.
  • Radio

    Inventor: Nikola Tesla.
    It is a means of communication that is based on the sending of audio signals through radio waves, although the term is also used for other forms of remote audio transmission such as Internet radio.
  • First vaccine for plague

    First vaccine for plague
    Inventor: Alexandre Yersin.
    The bubonic plague vaccine they developed in three months and saved millions of lives.
  • Aspirin

    Inventor: Felix Hoffmann. It is a drug. It is used as a medicine to treat pain (analgesic), fever (antipyretic) and inflammation (anti-inflammatory).