Technology History


    The ARPANET was created during the Cold War and was network that used the TCP/IP protocol. It used packet switching and developed into the Internet in 1982.{wikipedia}(
  • Radio Shack TRS-80 (Model I)

    Radio Shack TRS-80 (Model I)
    The TRS-80 came out in 1977 the price was $599.95, the ram was only 4k-16k max. It was sold like crazy.
  • Heathkit H89

    Heathkit H89
    Was $2,895 when it came out in 1979, it had...
    HDOS Disk Operating System
    HDOS Utilities
    Text Editor
    Bentor Harbor BASIC
  • Apple III

    Apple III
    When is was avalibie for $3495. it had twice as much RAM for twice the money.
  • Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III

    Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III
    Was an upgrade from the first model that came had a 12-inch B/W monitor.