technology history

By nahome3
  • Steam Man

    Steam Man
    sourceJohn Brainerd created the Steam Man whitch was used that pulled wheeled carts and many more things.
  • IBM

    source IBM is a punch card system able of caculationg tasks during when the U.S. was in criscs.
  • Turing Machine

    Turing Machine
    source Turing machine is a computer that could solve or do anything thta could be done.

    sourceELEKTRO was a human-like robot that was able to talk wak and somthing extra smoke.
  • robot arm

    robot arm
    source George Devol and Joe Engleberger made a robot that was capeble of donig things that men couldent do in a factores.
  • First internet (arpanet)

    First internet (arpanet)
    source The arpanet was the first network that conected computers and was developed by the U.S. military. The protocol TCP/IP was first developed to comunicate and it is still used today. (you did this with us so i didnt copy and paste)
  • UNIX

    source UNIX, an operating system that addressed compatibility issues. Written in the C programming language, it was used for many devices.
  • Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence
    source 1972.Freddy and Freddy II were robots able of making wooden blocks in a period of several hours.
  • Wi-Fi

    source Wi-Fi is a wireles computer netwroking technology that allows phones or laptops conect to it and use internet.
  • Genghis

    source genghis was the first robot that culd walk on all of its 6 legs. but it was a prototype for somthing called a spider.
  • Bluetooth

    source Bluetooth is a wireless system used to replace the cables connecting phones to headsetes and many more things.
  • Lego Mindstorms

    Lego Mindstorms
    source a Lego set that uses programmable software and hardware used to make robotes.

    source ASIMO can move and do things like a human can like walk.
  • robotic vacuum

    robotic vacuum
    source a robot that is capebele to clean yoyr house with you doibgf anything.
  • ios 9

    ios 9
    sourceiOS 9 is full of changes to your phone and to the ipod it also enhnces siri making her/he understand more and able to espond better.