Technology During My Lifetime

  • Family's first DVD player

    Family's first DVD player
    I think it was around this time when my family got our first dvd player. We didn't use it THAT often, because we did have very many DVD, just VHSs, but it was something new!
  • Digipets

    I definitely had one of these when I was like 7 or 8. I never really understood the purpose of them, but all of my friends had them, and I wanted to know what they were talking about, so I begged my mom to get me one.
  • Walkman Portable CD Player

    Walkman Portable CD Player
    I used to listen to my CD's on this, I remember that anytime we would go over a big bump in our car, it would skip and I would get so mad.
  • Easy Bake Oven

    Easy Bake Oven
    I thought that the Easy Bake Oven was the coolest piece of technology ever invented, because I loved to bake, but my mom always told me I was too young to use the real oven by myself, and she didn't always want to help me make cookies
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    This computer game was mostly what I remeber from going to Computers in elementary school. It was the first computer/video game I ever really played, and it was the best!
  • Wii

    My family got our Wii around 2008 or 2009, I am not really sure which. I never really played it that much, except to play Wii sports, because I have never really been a huge video game fan.
  • First music player

    First music player
    This was similar to my first mp3 player. All my songs were always on shuffle because I couldn't really choose exactly what I wanted to listen to. I could go forward or back, but not choose the album
  • First Cellphone

    First Cellphone
    I got my first cellphone when I was about 15. My mom wasn't very happy about it, but my aunt convinced her so I got one of the phones that was touch screen, but also had a full slide out keyboard.
  • Laptop

    I got a laptop for christmas, because I wanted to be able to watch Netflix and do my homwork without my siblings interupting me
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    I got my first I phone when I was 18, it was a hand me down from my aunt because she was getting a newer model, it was awesome because I didn't need an ipod and a cellphone anymore, because I now had everything in one.