technology in the early 2000's

  • Flashdrives

    flash drives advanced data storage in ways theretofore incomprehensible. data storage that once took major amounts of space and money were made cheap and could fit in the palm of your hand
  • google gmail officially launches

    google gmail officially launches
    changing the way much of the world transfered information to one another
  • Netflix launches their streaming platform

    Netflix launches their streaming platform
    an incredible upset in the way the way the average person consumed entertainment, its ripples still significantly felt to this day.
  • First generation iPhone

    First generation iPhone
    iPhones are still such a major part of modern society that their influence cannot be understated. The iPhone revolutionized the way we interacted with much of our time in the modern world.
  • 4g data

    4g data
    the advancement from 3g to 4g caused download and upload speed increases of up to 100 times