Technology and society

  • First flight, Wright brothers

    First flight, Wright brothers
  • Assembly line, Ford

    Assembly line, Ford
  • Autogyro, De La Cierva

    Autogyro, De La Cierva
  • The television

    The television
  • Radar

  • Jet aircraft

    Jet aircraft
  • Nuclear reactor

    Nuclear reactor
  • First computer (ENIAC)

    First computer (ENIAC)
  • First microwave oven

    First microwave oven
  • First artificial satelite, Sputnik

    First artificial satelite, Sputnik
  • First nuclear power station, Calder Hall

    First nuclear power station, Calder Hall
  • Laser

  • LED diode

    LED diode
  • Email

  • Mobile phone

    Mobile phone
  • Personal computer

    Personal computer
  • Windows operating system

    Windows operating system
  • CDs and flash memory

    CDs and flash memory
  • Bluetooth standard, Ericsson

    Bluetooth standard, Ericsson
  • DVD

  • Hybrid vehicles

    Hybrid vehicles
  • Optical mouse

    Optical mouse
  • Wi-Fi networks

    Wi-Fi networks
  • Blu-ray standard

    Blu-ray standard
  • Tianhe 1A supercomputer

    Tianhe 1A supercomputer
  • Iphone 11

    Iphone 11