Decade in review photo

Technological Progression Between 2010-2019

By de6
  • Holographic Telepresence Technology

    Holographic Telepresence Technology
    "[Novel] type of holographic telepresence that allows the projection of a three-dimensional moving image without the need for special eyewear such as 3D glasses or other auxiliary devices." (Stolte, 2010) Inventor: Nasser Peyghambarian
  • CRISPR-Cas9

    "CRISPR-Cas9 is a molecular tool categorized within gene-editing technology, that allows researchers to remove and insert DNA in desired locations." (Fridovich-Keil, 2019) Inventors: Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna.
  • EKO Core Digital Attachment

    EKO Core Digital Attachment
    A smart adapter that can be attached to a stethoscope, which then streams heartrate data to an application. This companion app can analyze the audio and compare it to previous recordings, which may help doctors detect murmurs, heart-valve abnormalities and other conditions. (Time Staff, 2015) Developers: Connor Landgraf, Jason Bellet and Tyler Crouch
  • Sony Playstation 4 Pro

    Sony Playstation 4 Pro
    Updated version of the PlayStation 4 home video game console featuring greater GPU power, HDR technology, and faster frame rates. (Sony, 2021) Manufacturer: Sony Computer Entertainment
  • Osso Virtual Reality (VR)

    Osso Virtual Reality (VR)
    A virtual reality surgical training tech platform and interactive device that provides surgeons, sales teams, and other trainees with an on-demand training platform featuring realistic, haptic-enhanced, interactions in an immersive training environment.(Osso VR, 2021) Founders: Dr. Justin Barad and Matt Newport.