Sep 6, 746
learn[image](web4homes.com) the cannon was first created in the middle ages. the cannon was first used in china. the middle ages lasted from -
Sep 6, 1000
Stone Axe
The stone axe was created in the paleoithic age it was made by wraping twigs around a stone attached to a stick. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_tool -
Sep 6, 1050
bows were made in the mesolithic age and were great because it advanced combat from hand to hand and allowed you to fight from range. -
Sep 6, 1200
copper and tin were combined to make bronze and bronze could be used to make weapons like the dagger -
Sep 6, 1300
iorn was a stronger material than bronze and was used to make weapons such as the dagger -
Sep 6, 1300
Iorn Spearhead
the iorn spearhead was crafted in the iorn age as a weapon A small spearhead with a broad roughly triangular blade with rounded shoulders. Context 1003. Part of the South Cave Weapons Cache of 5 late Iron Age.http://www.eastriding.gov.uk/culture/museums/collections/exhibitdetail.php?s=8 -
Jan 1, 1400
The Rifle was created in the Renaissance. the Renaissance started in the 1400 and ended in the 1600. -
[image](pitsco.com)the rocket was first created in the industrial age and was first created by china. the industrial age started in the 1750 to 1850 -
Nuclear Bomb
info[image](bernardavishai.blogspot.com)nuclear wepons were created in the 1900. the first necular wepon had the same power as 20,000 tons of TNT. the information period (when they were made) started in the 1900 -
[image](dvice.com)infothe first computer was made in the information age (1900). with the comeing of computers cam the ability for people to have a cyber attack. a cyber attack is a form of information warfare. President Barack Obama declared America's digital infrastructure to be a "strategic national asset in 2009. the idea of a cyber attack came with the computer in the information age.