Tech Project 3

  • Doolittle Raid

    First major American attack on Japan in retaliation to Pearl Harbor Attack. Boosted morale and capability confidence
  • Cocoanut Grove Fire

    Nightclub in Massachusetts kills 492 people, leading to vast fire safety reform.
  • V-E Day

    The Allies finally take Nazi-controlled Berlin, ending the War in Europe and the reign of a great evil falls.
  • V-J Day

    After the savage barbary in the Pacific Theater, the two American atomic bombs force the Japanese to surrender, ending the Second World War.
  • Harry Truman Elected

    Truman and his energetic campaign style earned his spot as the 33rd US President.
  • NATO Formed

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is formed, making a military alliance with the involved nations. Apparently not good at its job nowadays.
  • Period: to

    Korean War Hostilities

    Communist North Korea, backed by the USSR and China, invades democratic South Korea, backed by the US and NATO. Yet known as the Forgotten War, it played a huge part in the Cold War conflict between the communists and capitalists
  • Eisenhower Elected

    Genius strategist, seasoned General, and fellow Texan Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected as the 34th U.S. President.
  • Korean Armistice Agreement

    A cease-fire was called by both the forces of democracy and communism to stop hostilities in the Korean War. This War didn't officially end until much later.
  • Period: to

    Operation Ajax

    CIA-led coup d'etat places the Shah of Iran into power
  • Warsaw Pact

    A non-aggression pact and military alliance formed by the eastern communist countries.
  • Murder of Emmet Till

    A 14 year-old black teen was brutally murdered in Mississippi. His death was held as an icon for civil rights and equality, drawing more attention to the matter.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    One of the last hostile conflicts of the Cold War era. Democratic South Vietnam fights with communist North Vietnam. NATO gets directly involved, led by the USA, in order to stop the spread of communism.
  • Official Motto

    "In God We Trust" becomes the US official motto, approved by Eisenhower
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The closest mankind has ever gotten to nuclear war. The USSR places ballistic missiles in communist Cuba.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This act prevents and forbids discrimination for race, sex, creed, etc. A very good act.
  • Roe V. Wade

    A court hearing that will shape American politics and morals for the worst. Abortion becomes legal with much leniency.
  • Microsoft Founded

    Bill Gates founds Microsoft, the company that will eventually dominate and lead the industry of software and computers
  • Mount Saint Helens Explosion

    Mount Saint Helens Explodes, killing 57 and gives birth to Helenite.
  • Ronald Reagan Elected

    Ronald Reagan is elected as President, implemented Reaganomics, began the War on Drugs, advocated for prayer in schools, and more.
  • Lebanon Attack

    A cowardly suicide car-bomber kills over 300 people, including 241 Marines
  • Period: to

    Gulf War is Waged

    In response to Iraq invading Kuwait and the possibility of having weapons of mass-destruction, the US invades Iraq. Despite Iraq having one of the largest armies and tank arsenals in the world, the US crushes them. My dad enlisted for this war but didn't see combat because the war ended so fast. (He was involved with a drug-interdiction operation, though)
  • Columbine High School Shooting

    Two edgy coward teens kill 13 people at Columbine High in Ohio. This caused a moral panic internationally. The media's coverage may have fueled more.
  • Attack on Twin Towers

    A planned attack by radical Muslim cowards sent thousands of innocents to their deaths. This sequence of events made veterans bitter killers, made some people lose their scope on morals, and led to a seemingly endless involvement in the Middle East. Many believe it was an inside job.