Period: to
My parents let me use an old typewriter to print out a letter that was assigned as homework. We were writing to a pen pal. I went through several sheets of paper before finding success. -
First Introduction to Computers
I thought it was magic. We had a typewriter with a screen. Our teacher would let us playw ith it during break and even print out things if I remmeber correctly. It was not used for anything in class, but it left a lasting impression on me. -
Overhead Projector (with markers)
Teachers would write with transparent sheets to show written information to my class. There was a lot of cleaning because they did not have many sheets available to use. -
Laser Disc
Laser Disc was introduced to me in a biology class to show the human anatomy. -
The computer (Mac) lab at Augusta Raa middle school was the first I had ever seen. The computers were the color of Jolly Ranchers. We used them to learn how to use the interenet and take standardized tests for the first time without using paper. -
School Digital Media
Students could use cameras, desktops, and laptops in and around campus to complete projects. We would use our ID number to check out school equipment and return it when we finished using it. -
Web Design
I was taught web design. Using web pages to communicate with a wide variety of people was very effective. After managing a school web page, I can see how one person can inform a very large group of people so easily. -
A physics teacher won a technology grant and also recieved a SMART board that students could use in the classroom. It was a cross between a white board and a computer. I did not use it much, but they would be great for ELLs. -
Using this database to research examples of used grammar was an invaluable resource when trying to find data and help students with usage and meaning of English words or phrases. -
For a writing assignment, I created a blog to document my expereince through vitual worlds.