Technological Training starts
I start recognizing my PLE, and modelling it according to my necessities and interests. During this period, I get familiar with new technological tools, concepts, and authors regarding Technolgy and Education. Peers discussions are vital in this training. -
Period: to
Preparation and Implementation
Technological Training finishes
This training allow me to better understand how Technology Mediated-Education. Now, I´m able to use other techological resources lke wiki, voicethread, mindmeister, among others. But, this LLL process is just starting. I have to include more concepts and references, and of course, to study more about their correctly use in the classroom. -
Defining the purpose
My purpose is to define a clear and feasible PLE, which help me to incorporate different technological resources into my classroom practices. Here, I have to take into account my specific job context and their necesities in order to provide my students with significant learning experiences. -
Choosing the Tool
According to my specific context, I think a good tool for using with the students will be the use of the social media (twitter), it is a good example because it can help the students to develop writting skills through microblogging as a recognize author has recommended me. I take advantage my students have smarthphones and they can work in or ouside the classes. -
Designing the Methodology
After defining the tool, methodology is the next step for establishing the rules and way of use, implement and assess microbloggings in the classroom. Web page: Microbloggings -
Adjusting the Plan
In this step, I continue exploring and including NETS-S and NETS-T in order to establish an effectively learning according to the needed skills. Web Page: Microbloggings 50 ways to use Twitter -
Preparation stage
In this stage is where I start explaining the tool to the students, I prepare them to use it, I show them its benefits for developing writing skills in English. Video You tube -
Implementation stage
From this period, students and teacher are going to implement Twitter for classroom activities and homeworks. They will become familiar with this tool during this time, sharing messages with peers and teacher in a collaborative learning enviroment. They will increase their own PLE and establish a pathway and identity as a lifelong learner. -
Evaluating the use of Microbloggings
In order to evaluate the impact of the experience, could be interesting to include a formal survey in the classroom or to use a hashtag in Twitter. Students could give their opinions and impressions about it using critical thinking, and in a more comfortable way. -
My hope by the end of the experience is that the use of Microbloggings may prompt further discussion or consideration among educators about other ways of teaching languages and help students to create personal learning environments, so at the very least, teachers can be a model to students of what a lifelong learner is and does.