Challenge Based Learning Apple PD
Ayinde and Brian lead the CBL professional development. Staff showcases their CBL creations for the vision of the school. -
Running Record PD
Melissa leads K-2 profesional developement on running record miscue analysis. -
Summer Program 2013 Launches!
WCCS Summer Science Camp, hosted by Boys and Girls Club Buffalo serves approximately 175 WCCS students! WCCS staff provide ELA/Math intervention to 31 more students! -
Summer Intervention
Kindergarten students particpate in summer intervention, receiving Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) from WCCS staff. -
Summer Intervention
4th graders particpate in book clubs in LLI Kits during summer intervention, provided by WCCS staff. -
Summer Intervention
During summer intervention, 2nd grade uses iPads for small group math instruction, provided by WCCS staff. -
Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp, 1st graders study light refraction! Check out how the pencil "bends" once it hits the water. -
Summer Enrichment Program
WCCS teachers plan and develop a differentiated instruction course for WCCS students, in partnership with Canisius and Canisius4Kids. -
Nutrition at Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & GIrls Club Summer Science Camp, WCCS Nutritionist Jessica Richiazzi teaches 2nd grade about healthy food choices. Here, they are making celery, peanut butter, and raisins. We called it "Ants on a Log". What do YOU call this healthy snack? -
Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp, 3rd graders study bubbles. How do bubbles change as our air pressure, how hard we blow, changes? -
Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp its not ALL science....ZUMBA! WCCS students burn calories and get healthy! -
Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp, WCCS 4th graders build "Bubblariums" to study light refraction. Ask a 4th grader what happens when the flashlight is turned on! -
WCCS/Canisius4Kids Partnership Launches
WCCS sends 33 students to Canisius4Kids summer camp to participate in a multidisciplinary, differentiated instruciton based, week-long camp[Check out their blog!](http://canisius4kids.edublogs.org) -
Summer Intervention
Great things happening during the PE time of our Summer Intervention Program! Integrating ELA and Math through engaging, challening, cooperative learning activities. For more on the best PE staff in the biz check out their blog: http://wccspehealthathletics.blogspot.com -
Yoga at Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp, students participate in daily yoga sessions as part of a comprehensive health, wellness, and nutrition program. Check out their warrior pose here! -
Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summe Science Camp, WCCS 6th graders build "animal habitats". Here, they are hammering the finishing touches on their bird houses. -
Summer Intervention
Last day for our Summer Intervention Program! 31 students were provided daily small group instruction though Leveled Literacy Instruction, accessing math apps on iPads, and PE integrating math, ELA, and cooperative learning by 9 WCCS staff members! Great work everybody! -
The 33 WCCS students enrolled at Canisius4Kids, a week long multidisciplinary summer camp held on campus at Canisius College, put on a final presentation for their work! An amazing celebration by a group of amazing kids! -
Summer Science Camp
In the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp, WCCS 5th graders build and explode volcanos! -
Summer Science Camp
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Science Camp, WCCS students proudly display many of their science experiments at the display table in the atrium. Come check it out! -
PD Introduction to the SAMR Model
Brian Sepe leads a session on the SAMR model and the implications for teaching and learning using technology as a tool. -
Incoming Kindergarten Screening
All incoming Kindergarten students receive screening using the DIAL Assessment so teachers and students are ready to go in September! -
PD Introduction to the SAMR Model
This PD session hosted by Brian Sepe builds on the understanding of the SAMR model introduction and its implications on teaching and learning with technology. -
Dr. Ruben Puentedura and the SAMR Model
This full day of professional development centered on teaching and learning using the iPads. The SAMR model is explained and implemented by the creator, Dr. Puentedura, and serves as the framework for teaching and learning with technology. -
PD Early Literacy Skills and Strategies with Kristine Short
This session focused on the early literacy skills and strategies that can be implemented using Marie Clay's research and work. Hosted by Melissa Johnson -
Open House "Taste of Westminster"
The first annual "Taste of Westminster" came to life after months of planning by Courtney Chamberlain, Kim Nelson, Megan Kinmartin, and Ayinde Rudolph. The parent turnout exceeded all expectations! -
Back to School Carnival
The carnival featured bounce houses, food, music, and community support as WCCS and BPN shut the streets down and celebrated the community and schools in a unique fashion. -
First iPad Recipient at WCCS
Bruce Glascoe recieved the very first iPad as part of the 1:1 initiative at WCCS! -
iPad Deployment
This day was marked by the first classroom laucnh in the building as the 3rd graders received their devices.