Ecological disasters

By Quria23
  • Flixborough chemical disaster

    Explosion on chemical plant. The disaster involved (and may well have been caused by) a bad equipment modification
  • Union carbide corporation disaster

    Accident on chemical factory
  • Chernobyl nuclear explosion

    Accident on nuclear plant caused an explosion
  • Sandoz chemical spill

    Caused by fire on sandoz factory
  • Piper alpha oil spill

    Oil platform located in North-sea explosion
  • Tanker exxon valdez oil spill

    Caused by accident
  • Tanker prestige oil spill

    Tanker was destroyed by storm
  • Aral sea disappeared

    Water was taken from near rivers
  • Deep water horizon oil spill

    Huge gas blob came to the station from the bottom of the ocean and blown up the station
  • Fukushima nuclear disaster

    Caused by earthquake