taddler timeline

  • baby is born

    baby is born
  • 19 to 21 months

    19 to 21 months
    walks sideways and backwards
    runs without falling often.
    walks up and down stairs with hepl
    loves to run,jump,and climb
    can kick large balls without steping on it can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    looks at the books for longer periods of time stuying pictures
    likes to make marks on papers
    places circles triangles ans squareds in form board
    completes simples jigsaw puzzle of two to three pieces
  • 22 to 24 months

    22 to 24 months
    walks with more coordination and assurance
    lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running
    throws ball overhead instead of toosing
    walks sideways and backward with ease
    bounces and sways in simple dancing movements becomes interested in the outcome of activities
    may distinguis between one and many
    recognizes when picture in book is upside down
    may be able to drawl
    may be ale to recall
  • 13 to 15 months physical

    13 to 15 months physical
    physical:cruses long furtinure.
    may be able to walk few steps alone
    may climb stairs hands and knees,crawl over small barries,may be able to back down stairs.
    intellectual:experiments every action ,looks in correct place for toys that roll,discovers ability to make things happen by own actions,is able to fit round block into round hole in form board,has ver short memory and almost no forethought
  • 16 to 18 monthe

    16 to 18 monthe
    physical:may be able to walk sideways , stands on either foot with support , walks into ball;is unable to kick the ball ,puahes and pulls large toys around the floor ,squats down smoothly from standing position
    intellectual: gradually refines conceps, is very inquisitve about everything , remembers where objects belong ,enjoys working with shapes on form board , has short attention span.
  • 24 to 30 months

    24 to 30 months
    improves motor skills ans torso lengthens and baby fat
    enjoys running but is unable to meausure sudden stop
    climbs everyting
    climbs on jungle gym
    plays on swings ladders and other playground equipment is better able to use nearby objects in make believe games
    remembers squence of stories and may be able to retell them
    can follow two steps commands
    likes to imitate drawings of older children
  • 30 to 36 moths

    30 to 36 moths
    likes to be in constant motion running or walking sideways
    enjoys games involving running
    goes up stairs by alternating feet but goes down one foot at time
    walks on tiptoe
    jumps from any elevated objects sometimes miscalculating height