First Week
*The newborn will start responding to the sound of voices.
*Also begin to cry, burp, hiccup, sneeze, and grunt. -
Second Week
*The baby will still be sleeping most of the time.
*Eye sight is still a little fuzzy. -
Third Week
*The baby will start getting "tummy time." -
Period: to
Baby is born.
1 Month
*Lifts his/her chin while laying down on their stomach.
*The infant's hearing should be fully developed. -
2 Months
*Will make cooing and gurgling sounds.
*Begins to smile.
*Hold their head up just a little above the ground and start to push up while on stomach. -
3 Months
*Holds objects but doesn't reach for them.
*Locate sounds by turning in the way of the noise.
*Keep their head up. -
4 Months
*Has eye-hand coordination.
*When held upright, the infant can hold some weight.
*Laughs and drools
*Likes being rocked, swung, etc. -
5 Months
*Grasps and holds object by self.
*Independently sits.
*Signs of teething.
*Begins discovering body parts.
*Recognizes family from strangers -
6 Months
*Prefers to sit up. *Uses hands to not only grasp, but to bang and crumble, etc. also. -
8 Months
*Points at objects. *Crawls well. *Pulls self into standing position. *Gestures at what he/she wants. -
11 Months
*Understands simple instructions. *Drinks from a cup. -
7 Months
*Starts to crawl. *Babbles. *Passes objects from hand to hand. *Waves. -
9 Months
*Walk around while gripping to objects. *Throws objects. *Using word-like sounds. -
10 Months
*Understands "no." *Specific when says "dada" or "mama." *Responds to hearing their name. -
12 Months/ 1 Year
*Takes a few steps on their own/begins walking. *Has more variety of words.