
  • 2.1 Typical Maturer

    My experiences follow more of the common average that girls tend to start puberty with breast starting to develop when I was 11 and in 5th grade. That is also when I started to get growth spurt, becoming taller than other boys in class. Then a year later, I started my period. Now if I have matured too early, I would gave been catcalled and treated older than I really am. Now if I had mature later, I think at the most, I would have body issues and self-esteem issues relating to not maturing.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    I would say May 2010th was the start of my adolescence. I say that because it is when I had my first period. That was also the start of the changes that I have noticed throughout my peers. Boys were starting to have crushes on girls and I started to have feelings for others too. I was also starting to become moody around my family, spending time in my room.
  • 2.2 Niche-Picking

    I remember it was the start of 8th grade and at that time, I sought out a group of girls who were the “elite” of the school for that grade. To this day, I still do not know what really made me pick them but I would have to say my family were social around people so my genes do have phenotype of being social while I am also introvert. By picking that group, it did effect my development negatively. To this day, I am still recovering from that experience. (Depression, anxiety)
  • 3.3 Possible Selves

    I am 13 years old and I think I am meant to be with the popular people. I mean I am very smart and I look attractive for being deaf. My possible self is be popular and pass all of my classes with As. I do not want to be a loner and fail my classes. I know I am weird but as long as I don’t show that to anyone, I should be fine getting tons of friends. I feel like I have to impress everyone that I see. But at same time, I do not care about what they think.
  • 3.1- Imaginary Audience

    In 9th grade, I was conscious of how I walked in cafeteria when it was lunch. Everytime I need to get up to get something whether it is sauces or more food, I always felt the need to walk like a model as if everyone eyes were on me. This is a good example of imaginary audience because I think there is an audience when really there wasn't one.
  • 3.2- Contradiction

    I am currently in 9th grade, and the topic that I have chosen is contradiction. At this point in my life, I am feeling conflicted with myself. With some people, I am very quiet but with other people I am outgoing. I get told that I am smart and etc like that but really I feel bit dumb. I am sweet and nice to my family and friends. But if they upset me then I become really mean to them.
  • 4.2 Non-gender typed Behavior

    There was a girl in my home ec class that I used to talk to and she did not display the "people-oriented" behaviors that girls tend to display. She would try to scare people away so she could be alone. Her favorite thing to do after school is to go to her room and play video games all night. Then she left school not too long after that for reason unknown. She displayed the behaviors that the boys tend to have.
  • 6.3- Similarity

    Me and my best friends were the complete opposite. I loved school, very nice to people, quiet, respectful to rules. My best friend hated school, loud, does not care what others think. The very thing that brought us together was our deafness and our struggles to fit in. That was something that was similar and that we both are poor too.
  • 4.1 Gender-typed behavior

    I was a victim of relational aggression when a group fo girls started to spread rumors that I was behind one of the anonymous twitter account that was saying bad things about other people. People started to stop talking to me and I was left out at everything. This kind of behavior fits the textbook description on how girls is more likely to perform relational aggression.
  • 6.1- Parent Adolescent Conflict

    I remember most of my conflicts with my parents revolved around technology and chores. I grew up with not having to do chores until my dad met his wife and we end up in fight over it. Not only that but I was very into my iPod as I would stay up past my bed time every night. While I got scolded for it, I never really got punished.
  • 6.2- Intimacy

    For 8 years before I transferred to MSSD, I was best friend with this one girl and our friendship is something that I cherished. We became very close in our freshman year because we had every class together and we would always laugh and make fun of the populars, share our concerns etc. I was there for her as to support her through school as she supported me through social situations.
  • 7.1 Transition to High School

    I would have to say that the transition was not easy for me. Being deaf in a mainstreamed school was tough as I did not fit in the norm of the society there. I was considered as an outcast even though I tried to get involved with the popular crowd. Fitting in was more important to me than education. I felt that I had to conform to popular people just to not get picked on by them.
  • 7.2 Transition to College

    When I transited from High School to college, it felt weird going from the top to the bottom, losing that “power”. My freshman year wasn’t so bad as I hanged out with the sophomores at that time. Gallaudet is a lot bigger than MSSD even though MSSD is still on its campus. The life is different too. My stress did increased from high school to college to where its affecting my work. College isn’t what I would have expect and I cannot wait to graduate.
  • 8.1: Rite of Passage

    I would have to say going to Gallaudet was my rite of passage. This time, I am a college student and I have to learn to support myself throughout the college years. That is also when my parents started to lessen their strictness on me and let me do things that I want to do. I am happy and sad because I do not get to see my family as much anymore but I love being on my own.
  • 7.3- Intrinsic Motivation

    I am currently working as a Computer Lab Assistant and I have noticed that I am very motivated to improve the lab not only for us workers but also for the students to use. We rely on visual things so I felt that some things should be stated in pictures so I made a picture of one of the rules and posted it. After that, I noticed that I always try to do a good job because I want everyone to be comfortable in the lab.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    This was the start of the summer and I was living on Gallaudet campus. It was first time that I did not go home to my family for the summer and I had become more independent. I also had to tackle financial issues on my own like bills and other thing. I had a full time job. I feel that I am in the emerging part of Adulthood because I am close to figuring out my interests and my identity. This part of my life fits the description of the text.