Swedish Timeline Prior to Gustavus Adolphus

By premkp
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Jun 6, 1523

    Gustavus Vasa

    Gustavus Vasa
    Sweden earned its independence from Denmark in the early 16th century and Vasa became King of Sweden in 1523 (Dunn 80)
  • Sep 29, 1560

    Gustavus Vasa dies

    Gustavus Vasa dies
  • Feb 12, 1568

    Royal Family Unrest

    Royal Family Unrest
    One of Gustavus Vasa's sons, Charles IX, led a revolution against his half brother, Erik XIV, in retaliation for the promotion of his brother, John III for the Swedish Throne.
  • Sigismund III Vasa

    Sigismund III Vasa
    After several years of conflict, Charles IX and his brother were again united in 1587 to oppose the nobles' state council for their promotion of John III's son, Sigismund III Vasa for the Polish Throne.
  • Sigismund III Vasa recieves Swedish Throne

    Sigismund III Vasa recieves Swedish Throne
    When Sigismund III also recieved the Swedish Throne, Charles IX demanded that he adhere to the Convention of Uppsala, in which the king, regardless of his religion, had to abide to the national religion of Luthernaism. Sigismund III, a devout Catholic, refused, and civil war broke out.
  • Battle of Stångebro

    Battle of Stångebro
    Because Charles IX had the support of lower estates, he was able to defeat Sigismund III Vasa at the battle of Stångebro, which granted Charles IX power over Sweden ("Charles IX I King of Sweden."). Poland was hostile towards the Swedes because their to-be king was deposed, which resulted in war.
  • Gustavus Adolphus Coronation

    Gustavus Adolphus Coronation
    By the time Gustavus Adolphus inherited the throne in 1611, he was engrossed in war with Poland as well as a new war with Denmark.