Susie’s Running Journey

By Sop283
  • Period: to

    My Running Experience

    I have made the decision to start running to stay in shape. This is a decision I have made alone so it was an individual decision. I have thought of all the possible outcomes before making this decision in hopes that this will be a healthy decision for me. “Since it is impossible to go back in time to undo regrets, it is best to think of all the possible results of our actions before we do them.” (pg 7).
  • Day 1

    I have never run before but I wanted to stay in shape so I decided to try running! My first day was pretty rough but you have to start somewhere!
  • Day 12

    I am already starting to see the improvements! These are called short-term impacts because they happen quickly. “Short-term impacts are what humans come up with most of the time... our minds have evolved to handle immediate problems.” (pg 8). This would include how now I have lost 2 pounds and am able to run for more than 30 minutes without stopping.
  • First Race!

    After a few months of running I have decided to sign up for my first race! I will be running the half marathon on September 14th. I :very excited and now have a goal to set for myself!5
  • Race Day!

    I am super excited for today! I am now fit and in shape and I am ready to rock this race! I am so happy that I made the decision to run! I am already able to see the short-term impacts it has made on my life!
  • How Running impacted My Life Now

    It has been 15 years since I started running when I was 28, and now I am older and started to feel te long-term impacts running has had on my body. A long term impact is something that impacts your future and you cannot predict. “The long-term impact of our current behavior is hard to ‘see’ compared to the immediate benefit.” (pg 8). I now have knee pains and issues with my back because of running. However I am happy that I ran because I it helped me stay happy and in shape when I was younger.