Muhammad is born
Sep 22, 610
Muhammad receives first vision in a cave near Mecca.
Sep 22, 622
Muhammad and followers flee to Medina.
Sep 22, 625
Muslims are defeated by Meccans at Uhud.
Sep 22, 632
Death of Muhammad. Abu Bakr chosen as caliph.
Sep 22, 633
Muslim conquests begins
Sep 22, 650
Caliph Uthman has the Qur'an written down.
Sep 22, 732
Muslim empire reaches its furthes extent. Battle of Tours prevents further advance northwards
Period: Sep 22, 813 to Sep 23, 833
Reign of Ma'mun. Theological controversy over whether the Qur'an is created or uncreated and eternal. Center for translation of texts from Greek to Arabic founded in Baghdad.
Baghdad becomes the new capital of the Abbasid empire.