Arthony Lucas strikes oil at Spindletop, OIL
Period: to
Oil in TX
Early January in 1900, Anthony Lucas strikes oil at Spindletop.He struck one of the biggest oil reserves in the world.News spread extremely fast and soon dozens of new industries popped up in Texas. 29 years later, Columbus M Joinder struck oil in Rusk county. Soon hundreds of more oil wells will spring up in Texas -
Galveston Hurricane ,PE
Period: to
The Proggresive Era
During the progressive era, the Galveston storm struck.It was the largest tropical storms in the history of the US. After the storm rebuilding began immediately, and it didnt finish for several years. Also in the progressive era, the 18th and 19th amendments were passed. While the 19th amendment granted women suffrage, the 18th amendment brought prohibition. -
New industries open in TX ,OIL
Galveston's rebuilding begins, PE
seawall is constructed
Houston ship channel opens,OIL
WWI begins, WWI
Period: to
The duke of Austria Hungary is assasinated, this one death will mark the beginning of WWI,During WWI German U-boats ship a passenger ship called the Lusitania, it contained a large amount of neutrel American passengers. After that Germany sends Mexico the Zimmerman telegram telling them to attack America.Luckily however the message was intercepted. These two occasions caused America to join the war. WWI finally ends in 1919 -
The sinking of the Lusitania, WWI
The Zimmerman telegram, WWI
US enters WWI, WWI
WWI is over, WWI
18th amendment is passed, PE
19th amendment is passed, PE
the dust bowl arises, GD
Period: to
The Great Depression
Before the Great Depression the dust bowl hits, casting dust and debree all over farmlands. In result, farmers cant repay their debts. This causes the stock market to crash in 1929, starting the great depression. The Great Depression lasts for almost 10 years, and it is finally ended when Frankiln D. Roosevelt forms the new deal and is elected president. -
The Stockmarket crashes,GD
The Great Depression begins, GD
Columbus M Joinder strikes oil in Rusk county, OIL
Hundreds of new oil wells sping up in Texas, OIL
New deal programs begin, GD
The Great Depression is over, GD
WWII begins, WWII
Period: to
In 1939, a German dictator named Hitler invades Poland and rages war against the Allies. Soon Japan air raids an American naval base at Pearl Harbor.This causes America to join the fight. Dwight D Eisenhower takes troops and invades France on D-day, this is the turning point of the war. Pretty soon America drops atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshama. THis marks the end of the second world war. -
Pearl Harbor, WWII
Hiroshama/Nagasaki, WWII