Jan 1, 600
Smallpox spreads from India into Europe.
Jan 1, 610
Byzantine Emperor Heraclius
Jan 1, 610
Heraclius arrives by ship from Africa at Constantinople, overthrows East Roman Emperor Phocas and becomes Emperor. His first major act is to change the official language of the East Roman Empire from Latin to Greek (already the language of the vast major
Jan 1, 611
Peasants from Mt. Changbaishan in Shandong began a rebellion
Yang Jian replaced Northern Zhou with Sui and proclaimed himself Emperor Wen
Sui Court defeated the last of the Southern Dynasties, Chen, and unified the whole nation
Emperor Yang was strangled by one of his subordinates, it completely collapsed
Sui gather 518,000 troops along the Yangtze
Pope Gregory I is in power.
Suevi Kingdom conquered by Visigoths in Spain.
Period: to
Sui Dynasty
Period: to