Sui dynasty

  • Period: 206 to 220

    Centralized Administrative System

    Re-established the centralized administrative system created by the Han. They set down the system of the 'Three Departments and Six Ministries' which strengthened the centralized power.
  • Period: 541 to Jan 1, 604

    first empire

    Yang Jian was a high official of Zhou dynasty from 581 to 604 AD. She reunified and reorganized china after 300 years of instability.
  • Economy

    China’s increasing contact with the international economy and its growing use of market forces to govern the domestic allocation of goods have made this problem worse. Over the years, large amount of money from the government were built into the price structure, and these subsidies grew substantially from the late 1970s
  • Sui dynasty started

    Started from 581 B.C. and ended in 618 B.C., the Sui Dynasty lasted for only 38 years and had only three emperors.
  • capital

    Preceded by the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it unified China for the first time after over a century of north-south division. It was followed by the Tang dynasty.
  • Period: to

    timespan of dynasty

  • Period: to Jan 1, 617

    Second Empire

    The second empire's name is yangdi. He had canalls built and great places were erected.
  • Period: to

    Third Empire

    The third empires name is Yang Yong. He Emperor Yang committed almost eight million people to constructing roads, palaces, the Grand Canal, the Great Wall and ships.