Sugar Act 1764

  • French and Indian War

    It was best known as the 7 year long war.There were a lot of people that were in the war they were most focused on the french and english fighting over north america. By the time the war was over the government was almost ruined.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The cost for defending the colonies, George III prohibited all settlement west. The intervention in colonial affairs offended the thirteen colonies'. The claim to exclusive rights to govern lands to their west.
  • Sugar Act

    It was the first attempt to finance the defense of the colonies. In order to encourage the production of the british rum, taxes.
  • The Currency Act

  • Stamp Act

    Taking some of the costs frim the colonies, Parliament required all legal documents, newspapers and pamphlets required to use watermarked, or 'stamped' paper on which a levy was placed.
  • Declaratory Act

    Parliament finalises the repeal of the Stamp Act, Then they declare that it has the right to tax colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    This started out as a street fight. The Patriots were trowing sticks and stones at a group of british soildiers.They n they called form more back up or troops and the king ordered to fire so they did and they killed them.. The others would die later on.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Some of the colonist decided that they were going to throw the tea in the boston harbor. In the ships were more than 2,000 chests containing nearly 600,000 pounds of tea. The reason they did this is because they were going to be taxed by parlament and they did not want that so they created the boston tea party.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    Ocording to this act they had to do this other wise there would be bad things you would face. The colonist had to let the british soilders into there homes. Then the curtailment of Massachusetts self-rule, are enacted by the British government. This then lead into the 3 ammendment of the U.S Constitution that prohibited the US army from doing the same thing
  • Lexington and Concord

    There was approximately 500 militiamen fought and defeated three companies of the King's troops. The British Army set out from Boston to capture the rebel leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock. The Americans store of weapons and ammunition in Concord were destoryed. The colonists were warned by Paul Revere, that the British Army was making there way closer. So Sam Adams and John Hancock were able to escape and the local militia was able to hide much of their ammunition