
Suffrage, Fordism, and WWI

  • Women Attend College

    Brought possible by ind revolution, Anglo and elite able to attend colleg to become well edu, ind, career minded changing gender norms. EX) Wellsley College; entered in professions post college. Mixed reviews by society
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    Womens Era

    Origins of Womens suffrage. NAWSA; women created coalition giving public opp in every state where women control edu and property. They couldn't vote but had more opps than in the past for econ independence and larger role in pub life.
  • Suffrage on the Rise

    Many weary and claimed women would tarnish politics. Women seen as guardian of the nation. Early foundations: 1) remedy local problems 2) increase involvemnet in public fora 3) give new expanded opportunites and ambitions. "No taxation w/o representation"; allowed women to vote in school issues and branch to other areas
  • 4 Suffrage States

    Dates Vary* Before 18th Century Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Idaho. Due to populists influence and high male population wanted to attract women
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    PROGGRESSIVE! Rough rider roots, from republican govenor of NY to VP. 1901 McKinley assasinated Teddy became prez! Foreign policy success (Panama), created US forest service, nat parks, preserve for scientific study,
  • William Howard Taft's Progressivism

    Judge & Gov of Phillippines. Had Teddy's approval. Progres'm supported: 1) anti-trust legislation 2) 16th amendment (graduate income tax) 3) Met with Booker T W. support bootstrap self making 4) Internal Rel - Dollar Diplomacy (loans to inc security of panama canal)
  • Tenement Act

    No longer will tenements be built in NY
  • Workers Strike

    Strike froze labor! Teddy summoned union leaders and supported gov to settle dispute
  • Civil Rights

    Teddy worked with Booker T Washington to decnounce racism and segregation. Yet Teddy did not intervene in Jim Crow South.
  • Teddy Victorious!

    Teddy wins second term!
  • Food and Drug Act

    PLEASE CONFIRM*** Food and Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act influenced by the fictional yet realistic novel The Jungle.
  • Square Deal

    Date Varies" Teddy sought use law to distinguish between good corp that serve PUBLIC INTEREST (steel and oil) and bad corp that focus on the ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH (banks)
  • Alaska Ukon Exhibition - Convincing Men!

    Exhibit to advertise suffrage, made vocal and visible. PLEASE CONFIRM*** Men begin to support the cause, effectively turn tables. ALICE MILLER wrote, "Why We Don't Want Men to Vote"
  • Limits of Feminism in Jim Crow US

    Date varies. Well educated blacks. Double consciousness (someone please define) myth of Jim Crow's "over sexualized woman" (Clinic available)
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    8 More Suffrage States

    Including California and Illinois
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    Consumer Citizenship

    THEME** Freedom begins to be defined by ones purchasing power & ability to purchase thinks to create the life one wants. Link goods with freedom and liberty, promised escape. Autos led the charge
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    Mexican American LA

    majority !spanish speaking city over all others! reformers gave up reform . immigrants and mex amers harness hard work ethic. forge unique pop culture . more leisure time than catholic less entangled with life religion became more home-centered and personalized. mexican markets. anglo amer advertise to mexs ethic pride reinforced in modern consumer market chicano art production. musicians corillidos unique circumstances of life experiences with amer and long for homeland. Misconstrued "americn"
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    Great Migration

    Mass movement of southern blacks to north or work, pop rose rapidly! Segregation still exists in north. Origins: represented ceasing of opportunity; moving north allowed families to escape violence and form new communities, like Harlem. Discriminatory practices: restricted employment opp. exclusions from labor unions. housing discrimination. Violence in the N: masacres etc. Blacks begin to fight back.
  • Retaliations and Success

    Fear of suffrage produced violence many were attached by mobs and police, arrested, threatened, brutally force fed. Advocated keep fighting!
  • Election

    Wilson vs. Roosevelt, R ran again despite popular slander. Teddy became against Taft. Taft got many followers. Roos founded PROGRESSIVE PARTY.
  • Eugene Debs

    Socialist supported by small minority many working class supported gov aid, shorter hours, min wage. Tried to run in 1912 election
  • Roos' New Nationalism

    Support womens suffrage; fed oversight of corp activity; national labor and health legislation for women and childre; living wage with 8 hr day; soc insurance for unemployed and elderly for medical care
  • Wilson's New Freedom NF

    Teddy's main opposer! Princeton prof -> pres of princeton (created major, progressive halmark) -> gov. NF = Intensify antitrust legislation. Protect the rights of workers to unionize. Encourage small business.
  • Wilson Victory!

    supported from small bus, n & s democrats, african americans
  • Wilson's Progressivism

    met regularlly with congressmen and press (1st to). Legislative reform: Clayton anti-trust act 1914 where court cannot issue injunctions to stop strikes. Keating Owen Act 1916 where outlaw child labor. Adamson Act 1916 created 8hr day RR.
  • Margaret Sanger

    NY local journalist wrote "what every girl should know" and opened journal "The REBEL" where no woman can call herself free if she can't control her body. Offered way to control population in low income communities
  • 5$ Day

    Ford implements 5$ Day. 1) Created loyalty. Decreased turnover, made it worth it, kept people even tho tedious work 2) Workers could buy product they were manufacturing
  • Ferdinand Assasination

    Most Americans wanted to stay out of war, wanted humanitarian and neutrality
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    WWI Sentiments

    red-com's black-anarcy. "liberty/freedom fries". Anti-german sentiment, they were considered spies, weren't allowed to speak, Robert Prager lynched b/c suspected, 25% German drop in consensus
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    100,000 us dead, entered late, least amt casualties, hailed Wilson as a hero, wilson then attends Versailles Peace Conf DUN DUHN DUHHHHN
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    Women in War

    many women anti war, yet worked tirelessly to support america, 22,000 served as nurses and clerical workers.
    million women replaced men as industry
    functioned at all levels of wartime except combat
    link maternalistic values
  • Segrgationist Wilson

    Southener... So obviously wanted segregation! Racist, fired blacks from gov jobs. Job applicants MUST submit photos, (Steve Scarvonic article) Unscientific approach to restructure.
  • "The Birth of a Nation"

    Racist film. Pro-confederate, Wilson held private screening and was supported every bit of film publically.
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    Driving & Gender

    Date Varies* Men souped up their cars, women gave autonomy responsibility and freedom, fashion items. Blacks couldnt drive in the jim crow south, black reallty wanted to!
  • Sanger opens clinic

    To give contraceptive devices, pamphlets its multiple langs. Sanger was arrested. Later starred in silent film
  • Wilson Foreign Policy

    Policy to reform foreigners to sell manufactured goods. Intervened more than over! 1915 Banks in Haiti, 1916 Military gov in Dom Republic, Mexican Rev / Civil War.
  • Fordism: Car Culture

    From status symbol (luxury item for wealthy) to pop culture (everyman's car) allowed people to move away from city. Fords were DEMOCRATIC COMMODITY, The Model T* cheap black car progressive and innovative standardized product. $360 (.5 sold in '16)
  • River Rouge Plant

    Employed 100K, revolutionized HOW workers worked, CONVEYER BELTS: reduced skilled workers, footwork, "nothing to unlearn"
  • Fordism Cont.

    Sci management + $5 day = Fordism manufacturing system designed to spew out standardized, low cost goods and afford its workers decent enough wages to buy them”
  • Federal Aid Road Act

    Gave $70 mil to states to build roads, cars linked to beaucratic system, road symbolized progress
  • Scientific Management aka Taylorism

    Date Varies* stream line prdxn to boost profit by systematically controlling costs & work practices, personal pathology, doubled prdxn, wrote book "Principles of Sci Managment"
  • Ford-Style Sci Management

    Ford adopts methods. Difference: ford sought to improve by affecting MACHINERY not ones body, replicated by many comps
  • Automotive Tourism

    motels roadside diners
  • Four Minute Men

    Date Varies* Under Wilson, men gave speeches to have public support war effort. "Its a duty boy"
  • Muckracker

    wrote about how XS and how war would create a more CONSCIOUS Society
  • Espionage Act of 1917

    Banned literature prohibited spying and interfering with the draft
    allowed post master general to band any lit critical of the Wilson administration
  • Doughboys

    American expedetionary force, domestic ideas transformed into the army. IQ TEST: 1916 Stanford grad created, men scored low b/c cultural literacy.
  • Wilson 14 Points

    self determination for all nations. freedom of the seas. free trade. readjustment of colonial claims with colonized people give “equal weight”. the creation of what would become the League of Naitons
  • Progressives & WWI

    Belived that war time mobilization would bring new ERA OF PRODUCTIVITY, purpose and soc justice. Used modern science, relied on industrialization, soc cut dowm on XS, use that XS to help others, cheap migrant labor cut off
  • Sedition Act of 1918

    criminalized written or oral statements that intended to cast “contempt, scorn, or disrepute” on the government
  • Harlem Hellfighters

    Black men given chance to serve in the war, served well, popularized jazz, ignored, belittled, and threatened. Europe treated blacks well
  • Red Summer

    Anti black violence often in the form of violence after WWI occurred in american cities
  • Racist Chicago Case Study

    pop increase, blacks settled in S side aka "black belt", neighborhood policy of segregation. Race determinant of living powers, forced to live in shitty conditions. Tensions erupted into VIOLENCE. Young boy Williams killed by white man on a boat @ beach in public. Chicago didn't approve. Pitch battle: whites went in neighborhood and killed blacks, cops fought whites, nat guard came and killed 38 inj 500 mils in prop damage
  • Red Scare

    Radical pol movement solidified of strikes, americanism vs. alienism, RS= widespread effort (public, legal, governmental, and vigilante) to curtail political radicalism, both thru repression and marginalization. Timing because of fears of revolution similar to what happened in Russia. desire to return to normalcy after the war. a resentment against the industrial left, which had generally opposed/not supported the war
  • Giant Strikes

    workers became invalued, many new imigs came and were unskilled 5 mil workers joined unions
    4 mil walk out of jobs for improved conditions
    diverse (textile, telephone, broadway actors etc)
    Key features of 1919 strikes
    lots of workers particiated (4 mil plus)
    diverse aray of workers
    strikers linked labor with patritism and Capital with the most recent symbol of oppression, the kaiser
  • 19th Amendment

    36 states ratify amendment,
  • Companionate Marriage

    Date Varies. Family as a partnership wth equals. Respect and healthy sex demanded more of fathers because they had to learn new domesticities. Divorce rate rose 10%
  • Marcus Garvey

    founder of UNIA: universal negro improvement assoc, promoted black econ independence and self reliance and cultural empowerment and migration back to africa, wanted nothing to do with whites, soldier in new kind of war. senate acknowledged 38 violent attacks.
  • Sacco & Vanzetti

    gov asssociate foreignness with radicalism
    italian immigs arrested for “robbing factory” both men were anarchists
    little eveidence against them yet trialed for murder and guilty and gonna get exild
    crucial moment to recognize italian nationalism and their importance throughout the world
    both electrucuted !!!
  • Immigration

    Mexico connected by the RR. Push factors: gov discouraged scale ag, poverty, warfare, Pull factors: railroad travel, job recruitment, mexicans helped during wartime,
  • Postwar Immigration

    use ellis island techniques
    must go through medical tests
    war time demand for cheap labor and agriculture need made them EXEMPT FROM MOST IMMIGRATION LAWS THAT OTHERS HAD TO FIGHT
    “temporary admission” easily monitored and controlld
    many returned to mexico
    many settled in cali
  • ACLU American Civil Liberties Union

    Hold accountable
    convicted of attending com labor party convention; arrested and took case to supreme court
    even as she was convicted Brandice (chief justice s court) said “those who won our independence
    indispensable birthright
  • Scientific Racism

    justification of racial hierarchies; skull size nose etc
    passing of the great race
    set off flurry of superiority of north western euros
    american see arrival of imigrants as a threat to america
    major anti semitism
  • Emergency Quota Act 1921

    stipulated that the number of immigrants admitted each year had to be 3% of the number of residents from that same country whi lived in the US at the time of the 1910 census
  • Mexi Ameri LA and Progressivism

    reformers sought to reform ex) sanitary hygenic and dietary apetite; tortilla no fruit or milk
    literacy tests - like carlyle ind school
    segregation in school hosp and theater
    lack of culture in place of consumerism
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Written by Alice Paul (Led National Womens Party) able to eliminate all distinctions on a count of sex
    women needed equal access to employment and edu
    FAILED; never passed Rights Movement
  • Myth of the Mission

    romanticized mexican influence in so cal; celebrate mexican past work to change mex present
    romona by helen hunt jackson
    so cal marketing change
    mission architectural style
    companies market products with ramona
  • National Origins Act

    stipulated that the number of immigs admitted from any country each year could not exceed 2 % of the number of residents who lived in the us during the 1890 census ( before the flood happened)
    america must be kept american
  • Mexican Immigration

    Provided cheap labor, 1.5 mil in US