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Darfur Region
The Fur people had dominated western Sudan. -
Period: to
Turko-Egyptian Rule
Sudan has been conquered by Muhammad 'Ali. Sudanese people who are still in Sudan are heavily taxed, so many move to Egypt, but a lot of them did not survive the trip. -
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British Colonization
Britain has colonized Sudan and drawed a border between the north and the south Sudan. -
Southern Policy
The British developed north Sudan while the south is separated and not developed. (PPT) -
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First Civil War
The first civil war in Sudan. -
Sudan gains independence
Self explanatory. (PPT) -
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Republic of Sudan
The country is now lead by Lieutenant General Ibranhim Abboud. -
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"Democratic" Republic of Sudan
Sudan calls this democratic, but it is not. -
Oil first discovered in south Sudan
Does this mean south Sudan will finally be equal to north Sudan? NOPE. image (PPT) -
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Second civil war
This is a continuation of the first civil war. This one erupted when G.M. Nimeiri tries to introduce Sharia Law in south Sudan. -
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Genocide in Darfur
Self explanatory. -
South Sudan gains independence from North Sudan
South Sudan gains independence from North Sudan, therefore making South Sudan the youngest country. image (PPT)