• 1850 BCE

    War of Reform and Battle of Pachuca.

    War of Reform and Battle of Pachuca.
    The period called the Reform War began with the events that led to the promulgation of the Tacubaya Plan and which consisted of attempts by conservatives; who sought the maintenance of the traditions inherited from the monarchical governments in these territories.
  • Sep 21, 1552

    discovery of the mines

    discovery of the mines
    Los primeros yacimientos en el estado de Hidalgo comenzaron a explotarse a partir de 1534 en Cardonal.. 45​ En 1552 se encontraron otros en Mineral del Monte, Pachuca, Mineral del Chico y Zimapán, estos fueron denominados “Reales de Minas”.
  • Jan 9, 1560

    Viceroyalty of New Spain

    Viceroyalty of New Spain
    In this period some localities were refounded in places that were already inhabited since pre-Hispanic times; for example those of Tula, Tulancingo, Yahualica, Huejutla, Atitalaquia and Mixquiahuala.. 34 Others grew due to the transfer of dispersed indigenous people to a place that was more accessible to the friars and Spanish authorities; This is what happened in places like Apan, Tianguistengo and Tlanchinol.
  • Evangelization of the Sierra Gorda

    Evangelization of the Sierra Gorda
    In 1750, most of the convents in Hidalgo were no longer Franciscan or Augustinian, but had passed into the hands of the secular clergy, that is, priests who did not belong to any order and who did not obey any superior other than the Archbishop of Mexico. .
  • mining strike

    mining strike
    The "Jornales" were the payments in money that were made to the operators in the form of daily allowance and weekly payment. of the day he divided it between him and the owner of the mine
  • Last years of the viceroyalty

    Last years of the viceroyalty
    In 1769, the Archbishop of Mexico, Francisco de Lorenzana visits Pachuca. 63 In 1770 the post office between Mexico and Pachuca was established. and in this same year, the Archbishop of Mexico, Alonso Núñez de Haro, visits Pachuca.
  • Huichapan Region

    Huichapan Region
    The first armed independence uprising in the region was in the Huichapan area, due to the close location of Huichapan with the Bajío.11​. 90​ Miguel Sánchez, a farmer and merchant, for which he traveled a region from Querétaro, Huichapan to the Huasteca. 91​ He knew about the Querétaro Conspiracy, because some members asked him to transport letters.
  • Región de Pachuca

    Al inicio de la guerra de independencia las minas de la región fueron abandonadas.44​ Pachuca fue considerado, como un punto estratégico; en razón de encontrarse en este sitio el resguardo de las platas y azogues de la Corona, así como almacén de los minerales propiedad de los ricos mineros que explotaban los yacimientos de esta Comarca Minera
  • Tulancingo Region

    Taking advantage of the fact that Francisco de las Piedras had abandoned Tulancingo to support the realistic recovery of Atotonilco el Grande, the insurgents commanded by José Francisco Osorno, Miguel Serrano, Julián Villagrán, José Mariano Anaya and Vicente Beristaín's artillery met, all marching on the city from Tulancingo
  • Consummation

    En la cuarta etapa de la Independencia de México, se pone fin al conflico. Con el Tratado de Córdoba y luego con la firma del Plan de Iguala; hasta el 27 de septiembre de 1821, cuando el Ejército Trigarante, al mando de Agustín de Iturbide, entró junto con Vicente Guerrero, a la Ciudad de México.
  • First Empire and Casa Mata Plan.

    On February 1, 1823, members of the Imperialist Army together with forces led by Guadalupe Victoria proclaimed the so-called Plan de Casa Mata, a document that resumed the principles of national and popular sovereignty, managing to reinstate the congress and put an end to the ephemeral Empire of Agustín de Iturbide.
  • First Empire and Casa Mata Plan

    First Empire and Casa Mata Plan
    Después de terminada la independencia se formó el Primer Imperio mexicano que comprende desde la firma de los Tratados de Córdoba en 1821. En febrero de 1823, mediante el Plan de Casa Mata liderado por Antonio López de Santa Anna, se produjo una rebelión, también apoyada por Vicente Guerrero
  • Cornish and English immigration.

    Cornish and English immigration.
    The Cornish were very numerous in Mexico, but an estimated 2,000 residents came from Cornwall, England; They settled mainly in Real del Monte, Pachuca, Heroica Matamoros, Tampico, San Luis Potosí and Mineral del Chico.
  • Rebellion of Nicolás Bravo and Battle of Tulancingo

    Rebellion of Nicolás Bravo and Battle of Tulancingo
    The Battle of Tulancingo or the Montaño Plan. The rebel outbreak that occurred in Tulancingo on January 6, 1828 is known in this way. During this confrontation there were more than twenty casualties, while less than ten soldiers were injured.
  • American intervention.

    American intervention.
    In 1847, the Americans landed in Veracruz and conquered the Mexican capital, after which the Mexicans were forced to sign the peace of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, by which the United States annexed the territories
  • French intervention, Second Empire and Battle of Ixmiquilpan.

    French intervention, Second Empire and Battle of Ixmiquilpan.
    The Battle of Ixmiquilpan was an event of arms that occurred on September 25, 1866 during the Second French intervention in Mexico, between 350 soldiers of the Belgian Legion and Juarista forces, ending the battle with the victory of the latter.
  • Restored Republic and Creation of the State of Hidalgo

    Restored Republic and Creation of the State of Hidalgo
    many causes that can be adduced, to the creation of the State of Hidalgo; one of them was due to a strategy of the federal government, it was intended to weaken the then very powerful state of Mexico;128 and another as a remedy for the growing insecurity that was then experienced throughout the country, but mainly in the central region.