P.A.R.C. vs Pennsylvania https://study.com/academy/lesson/parc-v-commonwealth-of-pennsylvania-in-1972-summary-significance.html
P.A.R.C.is an acronym for Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children. The P.A.R.C. was defending the rights of a small group of 14 students being denied access to public education based on 4 state statutes that allowed the state of Pennsylvania to deny disabled students access to public education.The final ruling on this case was that it was in fact the duty of the state to facilitate access to a public education for every disabled student.
Helped students by creating language for IEP's -
P.A.R.C v Pennsylvania Video
Board of Education vs Rowley
The opposing sides of this case are the parents of deaf child who was making sufficient progress in her education, but her parents felt a sign language interpreter would maximize her potential, and the school board felt they had done all that was required of them.
The Supreme Court decreed that the school was doing it's due diligence by providing access to an appropriate education and that it was not required to maximize the student's potential.
Puts limits on what is considered "appropriate". -
Honig vs Doe
This two sides in this case argued over a school's right to permanently expel a student with significant behavioral concerns. Two students were permanently expelled without due process for behavioral issues.
The Final ruling was that a school can't just prevent a student from accessing education based solely on his or her behaviors that stem from the student's disability.
This legislation protects students from being kicked out of school permanently without a determination hearing. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This law prohibits discrimination against disabled persons across all aspects of daily life such as school, access to public places, and employment.
This frequently studied and examined piece of legislation was critical in mandating that the general public including schools must recognize each individual's unique person-hood, and be supportive of their needs to participate in the same life experiences as all people. -
Americans with Disabilities Act information webpage
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Information webpage
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This is a federal law that ensures that students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate education. This legislation requires schools to identify and provide supports that facilitate students' in a successful education.
This piece of legislation is helpful to students with disabilities by requiring schools to identify the disability and create supports that enable that student to access general education curriculum to the best of their abilities and make progress with the material. -
Blanck, P. (2019). Why America Is Better off Because of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Touro Law Review, 35(1), 605–618. Forte, J. (2017). History of special education: Important landmark cases (Links to an external site.). Forte Law Group. http://www.fortelawgroup.com/history-special-education-important-landmark-cases McLeskey, J., Rosenberg, M. S., & Westling, D. L. (2018). Inclusion: Effective practices for all students (3rd ed.).