Students with Disabilities: Higher Education Policies & Events

  • National College for the Deaf & Dumb Established

    America's first institution for people with disabilities is established (Madaus, 2011).
  • VRA is Passed

    The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1918 is passed. This act led to educational assistance for veterans with disabilities (Madaus, 2011).
  • Servicemen's Readjustment Act is Passed

    The Servicemen's Readjustment Act (G.I. Bill) is passed. This act provides veterans with financial assistance in their pursuit for higher education (Madaus, 2011).
  • Learning Disabilities

    The discovery of learning disabilities allows for appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities (LDA, 2017).
  • ESEA Signed into Law

    President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which established state-level programs to help students with disabilities (USDE, 2017)
  • Rehabilitation Act is Passed

    The Rehabilitation Act is passed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance (ACE, 2008)
  • FERPA is Passed

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is passed by President Ford. The act protects the privacy of a student's education records (USDE, 2017).
  • First Adaptive Technology Availability

    The University of Michigan established an adaptive technology computer lab to accommodate students with disabilities (LDA, 2017)
  • IDEA is Passed

    The Individuals with Education Disabilities Act (IDEA) is passed to aid young people with disabilities.This act helped individuals receive services and accommodations for their disability (LAD, 2017)
  • Association on Handicapped Student Services Programs in Post-secondary Education was Founded

    The association was founded at the "Disabled Students on American Campuses: Services and State of the Art" Conference which was funded by the Federal Bureau of Education for the Handicapped (Madaus, 2011). Later to be renamed the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), this organization has established program standards, professional standards, and a code of ethics for practitioners (Madaus, 2011).
  • ADA is Passed

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is passed. This act outlawed discrimination against individuals with disabilities (Madaus, 2011).
  • IDEA Amendments are Passed

    Amendments to the IDEA are passed to focus on improving conditions for individuals with disabilities (LDA, 2017).
  • HEOA is Passed

    The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) is passed. This act aided students with intellectual disabilities to apply for federal financial aid and began multiple outreach programs.

    The ADAAA is passed to include issues that were previously limited by the ADA such as the definition of disability, appropriate accommodations, and eligibility determinations (Madaus, 2011).
  • Future

    There are currently two issues that are still having a negative impact on higher education for students with disabilities: funding and acknowledgement. Students with invisible disabilities have been known to have a difficult time getting the accommodations they need to continue their education to the best of their ability. Further research and studies may aid institutions in gaining insight to these situations and help to provide better appropriate accommodations for these students.
  • References

    Madaus, J. (2011). The history of disability services in higher education. New Directions for Higher Education, 154. Retrieved from
  • References

    American Council on Education (ACE). 2008. Serving those who serve: Higher education and america's veterans. Retrieved from
  • References

    Learning Disabilities Association (LDA). 2017. History. Retrieved from
  • References

    U.S. Department of Education (USDE). 2017. Laws & guidance. Retrieved from