James presented with Milleary Petition
- Protestants
Period: to
James I
Period: to
Robert Cecil - Finance
Bancroft appointed archibishop
Hampton Court
- Puritians --> unhappy about the outcome as they didn't get what they wanted in Millenary Petition
Treaty of London
- ended war between Spain/England
Period: to
James' 1st Parliament
- Fell because of the negotiations about the Great contract (lack of trust between King and Parliament)
- James failed to explain crown policies clearly
- Failure to ensure sufficient representation for privy council members in the house of commons (privy councillors in HoC could have explained his policies better)
Laws againt Catholics
- Cant live near London
- Cant hold public office
- Happened because of the Gunpowder plot
Catholics forced to declare allegance to monarch
Parliament granted James 3 subsidies
- Immediately gave away £44,000 in patronage
Bates Case Ruling
Monarch did not need parliament to approve the charge or change of impositions -
Cecil --> Lord Treasurer
Persuaded James to stop giving land as gifts and all gifts should be approved by Cecil. Didn't work out. Cecil suggested that Sherborne castle be given to Carr. -
Book of Bounty
Survey of all crown lands. Intended to maximise revenue - bring rents in line with inflation. James continued giving lands to favs. Revenue from crown land fell £100,000 in 1606 to £85,000 in 1619 -
New Book of Rates
Detailed all impositions and put them in line w/ inflation. Impositions were added to 1400 items. Raised earnings from impositions to £70,000 -
The great contract proposed by Cecil
- Cecil asked for £600,000 subsidy and an annual subsidy of £200,000 in return for the king giving up some of his feudal rights such as wardship.
- Parliament said no unless Bates Case Ruling of 1606 was overturned
- James demanded compensations, Par. refused therf. James dismissed parliament
Baronet title created
- £1095 to purchase, made James £91,000 by 1614
- Too many were sold and therefore their value decreased so by 1622 they were worth £220
- Number of earls also increased
Cecil died
Cockaye Project
- Monopoly that didn't work out
- Dutch refused to buy cloth that was finished
Period: to
Earl of Suffolk (Howard faction) - Finance
- Did terrible job and royal debt increased
Period: to
James' 2nd Parliament
- Dismissed it after one of the MPs said that all Scottish members of bedchambers should be sent home
Basically Archduke Ferdinand (Habsburgs fam) became King of Bohemia. Nobles of Boh. offered crown to Frederick of Palatinate (hubby of James' daughter Liz). He accepted it and in response Habs. attacked Prague (cap. of Boh.). Fred and Liz exiled to Netherlands. Spain and imperial forces not only took Boh. for Habs. but also Palatinate. Palatinate was important geographical location to use to attack Protestant Dutch. Par. wanted to go to war but James did not --> hopes for Spanish Match -
Period: to
Lord Cranfield - Finance
- Reduced expenditure by 50% -Showed how corrupted the Howards were
- ~~~1624 ish
Period: to
James' 3rd Parliament
- Focused on Monopolies and Foreign Policy
- Dismissed as James was angry about the protestation (declaration that parliament has right to discuss foreign policy)
Secret trip to Madrid
Charles and Buck put fake disguise and went to see the Spanish Infanta. Spanish were amazed to see Charles but did not let him see Maria Anna. Charles and Buck --> humiliated and sough revenge on Spain. Parliament supported idea of going to was but Cranfield did criticise it -
Subsidy Act
- Granted a subsidy of £300,000 to be used for warfare only
Statue of Monopolies
- limited monarch's right to grant monopolies
French Marriage Alliance
Charles and Buck --> anti-Habsburg alliance, alliance w/ France --> 2 parts to it --> Marriage alliance between Charles and Henrietta Maria and military alliance to try to restore Palatinate to Fredrick Didn't go as planned --> Henrietta Maria, her childminder and servants all could practice Catholicism. No military alliance. Pissed off protestants -
Period: to
James' 4th Parliament
- Foreign Policy --> Charles and Buck agreed to go to war
- Statue of Monopolies
- Impeachment of Cranfield
Revenue from Wardship reached £36,000
- significant increase from 1613 where it was only £23,000