Story of My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
  • I learned to walk

  • I got glasses

  • I learned to read

    I learned to read
  • Period: to

    I dabbled in guitar and piano

  • I got my first cat, named Mitsu

    I got my first cat, named Mitsu
    We named her after the sound of her meow, and coincidentally, she has a honey-colored stripe on her head, and her name means honey in Japanese.
  • I was the reigning chess club champion

    I was the reigning chess club champion
    Undefeated for 3 years running, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.
  • I ran my first 5k

    I ran my first 5k
  • Period: to

    I took taekwondo

  • I went to Universal Studios, Califorina

    I went to Universal Studios, Califorina
    My family went to California on a vacation to see my aunt, and we went to Universal Studios too. This was also the first time I had been on an airplane.
  • I got another cat named Chesloe

    I got another cat named Chesloe
    This is the most obnoxious and weird cat you will ever meet.
  • I got into SCET

    I got into SCET
  • I got my first (and last, hopefully) F on a paper (draft 1)...

    I remember this day well because it was also my birthday.
  • I moved into a new house

  • I went to Universal Studios, Florida

    I drove with my other aunt down to Florida, stopping along the way. These were some of the best days of my life.
  • I made the sectional cross country team

    Best time: 13 minutes 20 seconds
  • I got a drum set for Christmas!!

    This was the best day of my life.
    I'm pretty sure my family went deaf for a couple of days.
  • I will make the Wall of Fame - all A's

  • I will apply to IMSA

    I will apply to IMSA
  • Apply to the University of Illinois of Champaign-Urbana

    apply to CalTech, University of Michigan, MIT, none of which I have high hopes for...
  • I will get a drivers license

  • I will volunteer at the Library and the Chicago campus museums.

  • I will get my first job

    Tutor, fast food employee, store employee
  • I will graduate with a GPA of 4.0 or higher

    National Honors Society
  • I will go to college

    University of Illinois of Champaign-Urbana
  • I will study environmental engineering and chemistry.

    Apply for various internships and classes for experience.
  • I will study abroad

    I will study abroad
    England, U.k, or Florence, Italy
  • I will graduate (Bachelors)

  • Apply for Environmental Engineering jobs

  • I will get my first car

  • I will graduate (Masters)

    I will graduate (Masters)
  • Get my first apartment

  • Get a full-time job as an Environmental Engineer

    I will go on vacation sometimes.
  • Pay off college debts

  • Buy a house

  • I invent a machine to decompose plastic into biodegradable material.

  • I get promoted

  • Retire

  • I will get more cats

    I will get more cats
    I will become a crazy old cat lady
  • Donate to (various) charities

  • Celebrate Earth Day (every year)

    Celebrate Earth Day (every year)
    Support National Parks
  • Dive Belize's Great Blue Hole, or visit all national parks

  • I will die

    I will die
    Hopefully of old age.