I was born
I was born on this day at Saint Vincent Hospital. I like my birthday because it's 1/11/11 (all 1's) -
Going to the Hospital
My parents couldn't get me to eat, because I refused. I had a sore throat so It really hurt to eat. So after 3-4 days of refusing to eat any food I had to go to the hospital, where they had to use a feeding tube. -
First Little League Game (T-Ball)
This was the first organized sport I played. I played for the Cardinals (Not the MLB team). I also got my first ever hit in this game. There is a pic of my eating ice cream adter the game. -
Starting School
First day of kindergarden. I was pretty nervous. My teacher was named Mrs. Swanson -
Cub Scouts
My dad suggested to me that I join Cub Scouts, so I did. There is a pic of me winning the Pinewood Derby. I had a lot of fun in my early days of Cub Scouts, but as time went on, I was less and less interesting. I ultimately ended up quitting in 2021 -
Going to Niagara Falls
It was my first time going to a different country. I had tons of fun. We rode the Maid of the Mist, We went to all sorts of cool Museums like Ripley's Believe it or Not. There is a pic of me by the falls. -
Covid was the first pandemic of my life (hopefully it'll be the only one) and I hated having to stay inside all the time and work on all my schoolwork from home. -
The Drums
After 9 years, I decided to fill my music void by learning how to play the drums. I can play a decent amount of songs, like Green Day's Holiday and Enter Sandman -
Getting a Vaccine
On this day, (if you don't count flu shots) I got my first ever vaccine. It was the kids covid vaccine because I was only 10 when they came out with them in mid-late 2021. -
Middle School
My first day of middle school. It was pretty intimidating. I was nervous about my locker, bullies, and teachers. Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about any of those in 6th grade. -
My Prediction (20 years from now)
I will be the richest man alive, I will own the entire NBA, have 82 mansions, and 3 yachts for every mansion. I will solve world hunger, then conquered the earth.