Storage media devices

Storage Media

  • HDD

    Hard Disk Drive
    They are non-volatile magnetic storage devices capable of remembering vast amounts of data.
  • RAM

    Random Access Memory
    Is a computer's primary memory. It is a very fast solid state storage medium thet is directly accessible by the CPU.
  • Solid State Drive

    Solid State Drive
    They use NAND flash memories (millions of transistors wired in a series on circuit board). Compared to the HDD, it has the advantae of no having mechanical moving parts and therefore immediate access data.
  • USB Flash Memory

    USB Flash Memory
    Is a non-volatile solid state storage device that uses millions of transistors to store data. With USB refers to the port of the computer where it should be plugged in.
  • CD, DVD, Blu-Ray Discs

    CD, DVD, Blu-Ray Discs
    CD - 1979
    DVD - 1993
    Blue Ray - 2006
    They are optical storage devices. The binary datais stored on the disc's surface as changes in the texture.