Stone Tools

  • 1 CE

    Lomekwian Industry

    Lomekwi, Kenya - 3.3-2.6 Ma
    Kenyanthropus (species who made it?)
    Dikika, Ethiopia - 3.4 Ma
    Cut marks on impala and buffalo bones
    Australopithecus afarensis
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    Oldowan Industry

    Bouri, Ethiopia - 2.6-1.6 Ma
    Cut marks: Australopithecus garhi??
    Flakes and cores used for cutting, de-fleshing, bashing,
    Oldowan species: Australopithecus, Paranthropus, Homo hablis
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    Acheulean Industry

    1.6-0.5 Ma
    Hand axes and cleavers
    Movius line (no hand axes east of the line)
    Invented in Africa
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    Mousterian Industry

    0.3-0.027 Ma
    Levallois technique
    Trim flakes
    New weapons - spear points