Lynn Harper Declared Missing
Lynn Harper's Body Found
Lynn Harper's body was found in Lawsons Bush at approximately 1:50 pm. -
Steven Truscott Arrested
Trial Begins
Trial Ends - Guilty Verdict
Steven Truscott is to be executed on Dec.8th, 1959 -
Death Sentence Moved to Feb. 17th
Original Execution Day
Death Sentence commuted to life imprisonment
Second Execution Day
Steven Truscott is Paroled
Truscott Files for Review of Murder Conviction
Truscott filed a section 690 Criminal Code application for a review of his 1959 murder conviction. -
Court Declared Conviction Was a Miscarriage of Justice
Court declared that Truscott's conviction was a miscarriage of justice after finding 250 pieces of new evidence. -
Truscott is Aquitted of Crime
Truscott is Aquitted of Crime and given 6.7 million dollars for compensation.