Steven Avery Timeline Since Filming Ended

By vpakal
  • Avery hires Kathleen Zellner as Attorney

    Avery hires Kathleen Zellner as Attorney
    Following Making a Murderer, Avery hired Kathleen Zellner as his post-conviction attorney. Zellner is a high-profile attorney and vowed to prove Avery's innocence of the Teresa Halbach murder and to find the real killer. Source and Picture
  • Avery Files Motion for Release

    Avery Files Motion for Release
    Steven files a motion for release on the grounds that the evidence used to convict him was obtained by an illegal search of his property as a warrant was not issued. Source
  • Former District Attorney Ken Kratz Announces He Is Writing a Book

    Former District Attorney Ken Kratz Announces He Is Writing a Book
    Ken Kratz announces he is writing a book about what the documentary missed because Teresa Halbach's "voice" as the murder victim has been lost and that he wants the chance to tell the "whole story". Source Picture
  • Brendan Dassey's Writ of Habeas Corpus is Granted

    Brendan Dassey's Writ of Habeas Corpus is Granted
    Brendan Dassey's petition of the court was granted. The ruling, stated that the interview evidence used to convict Dassey was faulty. Dassey was offered "false promises" that led to his confession. Prosecutors were given 90 days to retry/release him. Source Picture
  • Engaged to Lynn Hartman

    Engaged to Lynn Hartman
    Steven Avery proposed to Lynn Hartman, a paralegal who began contacting Avery after she watched the documentary. Steven says that "she treats me decent, she loves me". Sandra Greenman, Avery's former fiancee is suspicious and thinks that "she's very pretty, there's no way she'd want Steven Avery usually ... she wants fame, and she's looking for money". Source
  • Called off Engagement with Lynn Hartman

    Called off Engagement with Lynn Hartman
    Steven avery calls off their engagement stating that "she is a golddigger" and insists that she was only in it for the money and fame. Source Picture
  • Dassey Remains in Custody

    Dassey Remains in Custody
    Despite the court granting his writ of habeas corpus, Wisconsin prosecutors held Dassey in custody due to an appeal from the Wisconsin Justice Department, pending a hearing. Source
  • Wisconsin Attorney General's Office Agrees to DNA Testing

    Wisconsin Attorney General's Office Agrees to DNA Testing
    Kathleen Zellner gets the Wisconsin Attorney General's Office to agree to re-test nine of the items of evidence from Teresa Halbach's murder. Source Picture
  • Dassey's Original Verdict is Upheld

    Dassey's Original Verdict is Upheld
    Following his seventh circuit hearing of the US court of Appeals, the panel voted to uphold his original verdict. Further they they ruled that Dassey's confession was valid. Source Picture
  • Zellner Claims Avery was Framed

    Zellner Claims Avery was Framed
    Steven Avery's high-profile lawyer, Kathleen Zellner announces that she has conducted some experiments that prove that Avery was framed. Zellner claims that the blood spatter is inconsistent with what the authorities allege happened. Despite being denied a motion for a new trial in October 2017, Zellner remains hopeful for an appeal of Avery's case. Source and Picture