
Starting a New Life

  • Birth

    I, Shane Acres, was born on October 20th of the year 1820. I am writing this autobiography to show that when you think all hope is lost, to never give up and keep pursuing your dreams. I grew up in Ireland with my mother. When i was a young adult my family was starving through the Irish Potato Famine. I lost my wife Claire during the famine, her body could not survive on such little. I decided to move to America because i heard there was alot of work there, and i did not want to starve.
  • Period: to

    Shane Acres: An Autobiography

  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    We were told that we would be coming in on the east side of America on Ellis Island. Unsure what to expect I was nervous yet ecxited all at once. When we passed what the natives called the Statue of Liberty i was speechless, not knowing what to think of it. I was ready to start a new chapter in my life. I was ready to endure what America had to offer me.
  • Physical Exam

    Physical Exam
    Oh my, the physical examinations were such a handful to deal with. My ship arrived in America yesterday but there were so many people that some of us had to wait until today to be examined. I heard that they sent some people back home, i was worried and scared that it would be me. I told myself i had to over look the bad, because i was so eager to get out and start living my life. When they finally examed me they flipped my eyelids inside out to check for a type of desease. It hurt temporarily.
  • Work and Slums

    Work and Slums
    Its been a few years now and i have had some time to settle in and find myself a niche in the community. I work on the construction of sky scrapers in the city. Its dangerous work but I take what i can get. I feel sorry for the people below is when we have to use the bathroom. Speaking of bathroom the living conditions here are horrible. I have to live in slums and there is no running water or anything! To top that off there is so much horse waste in the streets it causes many diseases.
  • Moving West

    Moving West
    I have decided to abandon the city life in America. There are too many risks and bad living conditions. It has become too much to bear on just one person. I need to get away from the city environment. Ive heard of talk that many people are moving out to western land to pan for gold. It may not be a stable income but i will take anything over living this terrible life style.
  • Meeting Chen

    Meeting Chen
    I have been living out west for quite a few years now. It may be hard at times but i love it. Moving to America has made my life so much better. The people are even friendly out here, there is barely a risk of murder or being robbed. Most importantly i married a woman named Chen. Turns out she too was an immegrant, but from China. Its so nice to talk about our different country's cultures. America didnt just keep me from starvation, it gave me hope for a better life.