Month Eight
Watching and preparing for labor is a big step in this stage of pregnancy. Your baby will have dropped now towards your pelvis preparing for labor. It is getting very tight down there, so it is not unusual to not feel a lot of movement. The women's emotions will start kicking in on month eight. Mom is ready for the baby to be out by now, and is getting very impatient. Physical changes to the body are still occurring but not as much. -
Month One
The amniotic sac forms around the fertilized egg. The placenta is grown during the mother’s first month of pregnancy. By the end of the first month, the baby is as big as a grain of rice. Symptoms could occur during the first month, but not likely. Mom’s could notice something like a missed period during their first month that will result in pregnancy. -
Period: to
Period: to
Month two
Mom in month two will start to experience symptoms of pregnancy besides a missed period. These symptoms include, morning sickness, mood changes, dizziness, constipation, heartburn indigestion, etc. The little one now can be called a fetus. The baby starts developing facial features such as a mouth, nose, tongue. This is when the baby will make very small movements that the mother can not feel. The womens body will not have a dramatic change, besides the breasts feeling heavier and fuller. -
Month Three
Your baby will start to grow its genitals, and some reflexes will start kicking in. The baby’s sensory development will continue to grow. Your baby will now start hearing things from the outside world. The baby will start being sensitive to light, and a fine soft hair will start to develop on the skin. A baby bump for mom could start to appear in your third month. Although, every women is different. It is important to eat healthy especially starting in this stage of pregnancy. -
Month Four
This month is very important for mom and baby. The baby develops eyebrows, eyelashes, and its very own fingerprints. Soon, the baby will start to develop hair on its head. Women may notice their breathing seems off. The baby is pushing up against your lungs which causes pressure. -
Month Five
Women say month five is where you get your energy boost, but with that comes symptoms like, itchy skin, stretch marks, spider veins, lower back pain, etc. Some women say this is where they find themselves “glowing”. You could notice a change of texture in your hair and nails. The baby is putting on weight, and all of the facial features are in place. At this stage you will really be feeling your little one moving around and kicking. These movements signal a healthy baby. -
Month Six
Your baby will start opening its eyelids and will be able to respond to loud noises. Through the amniotic fluid, your baby will start to taste things your eating. The baby’s heartbeat is loud enough to be heard from a doctors stethoscope. Women in this stage can say they have gained quite a bit of weight. Women who stand a lot during this month will notice swelling in the feet. Itchy skin plays a big factor from the stretching of the skin. -
Month Seven
Your baby will start moving downward puttings its head on your bladder. This stage causes uncomfort for a lot of women. Your baby’s bones are hardening, but the skull remains soft until the baby is born. The shape of your baby’s head will go back to normal after a few days. For the mom, the space in her belly is getting very tight. This may cause her to feel unsteady on her feet and unable to bend over. You are still likely to feel movements everyday from here on out. -
Month Nine
Your baby’s lungs develop right up until birth. This is when the baby’s positioning is most important. Doctors may try to move the baby head down if not already, before deciding on a c section. Women now are feeling very tired and impatient. The pressure is being taken out of your lungs as your baby moves down towards the pelvis. You will start feeling cramping and contractions. This is when your new life starts, right after your baby is born! -