The Newborn: Born to 1 Month
Physical development
-height & weight will change
-keep hands in fist
-wake up during the night Social - Emotional development
-displaying emotions
-Showing Interest -
The Toddler: 1 to 3 Years
Physical Development
-pulls to a standing position
-walks up and down step holding on to a rail Physical Milestones
-Walks with or without support
-runs and jumps
-Climbs well Intellectual Development
-Can work mechanical kinds of toys
-Difference between self & other people
-Begins to pretend in play
Social - Emotional Development
-Separation Anxiety Fades
-Shows Embarrassment
-take turn in games -
The Preschooler: 3 to 5 Years
Physical Development
-balance on my foot for a few seconds
-catches a ball reliably
-can skip on alternate feet Physical Milestone
-Speaks in multiword sentences
-gets along with people outside of the family
-Rides tricycle Intellectual Development
-Approaching problems from
-Increasing inventive fantasy play
-Verbal knowledge of a few numbers Social - Emotional Development
-Dressing & undressing
-Cooperates more w/ kids
-Ability to share -
The School - Age Child: 5 to 12 Years
Physical Development
-skate & swim
-jump rope Physical Milestone
-gets dressed
-jumps, hops, and skips
-able to speak in full sentence
Intellectual Development
-seeing others people point of view
-think logically about concrete events
-abstract thought emerges Social - Emotional Development
-aware of their gender
-make complain about friend ships
-start thinking more logically -
The Infant: 1 Month to 1 Year
Physical Features
-raise head when pulled to sitting position
-stacking blocks Physical Milestones
-raises head with on tummy
-rolls to side to side Social - Emotional Development
-Show anger
-emotion of fear
-Stronger preference for people/toys Intellectual Development
-Memory Improve
-Language learning begins
-Uses object correctly