Newborn: Physical Development (Physical Characteristics & Features)
- Startles at loud noises
- Start making sounds other than crying
- Stare at an object planted in front of their face
- Start making sounds other than crying
- Startles at loud noises
Newborn: Social Emotional Development
- Recognize Mothers voice
- Responds to Parent Affection
- Becomes Alert when hearing a pleasant sounds like music
- Recognize Mothers voice
Newborn: Physical Development ( Reflex, Fine and Gross Motor Skills
- Baby keeps hand in tight fist
- Arms and Legs move equally on both sides
- When lying on the tummy, holds head up briefly
- Baby keeps hand in tight fist
Infant: Physical Development ( Physical Characteristics & Features)
- Baby will start teething
- Baby will grow 3 inch and gain weight
- Baby first tooth comes in between 4 to 18 months
- Baby will start teething
Infant: Intellectual Development ( How they learn, What they learn, how the express language
- Use certain cries to express different needs
- Baby starts babbling or repeating sounds for attention
- Baby tend to use jabber to mimic conversation
- Use certain cries to express different needs
Infant: Social-Emotional Development (Interactions with caregivers and other people)
- Can really star to express their emotions
- Baby will grow attached to familiar caregivers
- Baby will get separation anxiety
- Can really star to express their emotions
Toddler: Physical Development ( Physical Characteristics and Features)
- Baby fat starts to disappear
- Baby posture will change
- Baby starts to grow more
- Baby fat starts to disappear
Infant: Physical Development ( Fine and gross motor skills)
- Starts to crawl and walk
- Pick up objects with the thumb and finger
- Starts to stand alone
- Starts to crawl and walk
Toddler: Physical Development ( Fine and gross motor skills)
- Walking holding on to an object
- Stands momentarily without support
- Starts to kick and dance around
- Walking holding on to an object
Toddler: Intellectual Development ( How they learn, what they learn, and they express language
- Understands basic nouns and pronouns
- At least 50% of speech is understood by caregivers
- Get mad and throws a fit when baby doesn't get what it wants
- Understands basic nouns and pronouns
Toddler: Social-Emotional Development
- The baby recognizes it's self in the mirror
- Copies adult actions and words
- The baby gets jealous when not at the center of attention
- The baby recognizes it's self in the mirror
Preschooler: Physical Development (Physical characteristics and Features)
- Has improved balance
- Has improved vision
- Gain more weight
- Has improved vision
- Has improved balance
Preschooler: Physical Development ( Fine and Gross Motor Skills)
- Can kick, jump, swing, and somersault
- Draw a straight line
- Can hold a large crayon with thumb an second finger
- Draw a straight line
- Can kick, jump, swing, and somersault
Preschooler: Intellectual Development ( how they learn, what they learn, how they express language)
- Start to see the relationship of cause and effect
- Use less physical aggression
- Understands social rules and can act in accordance to them
- Use less physical aggression
- Start to see the relationship of cause and effect
Preschooler: Social-Emotional Development
- Show more independence
- Join in play with other children and make up games
- Starts being attached to one friend
- Show more independence
School Age: Physical Development (Physical Characteristics and features)
- Obesity starts ti become a problem for some kids
- A growth spurt and puberty
- Adult teeth will develop
- Obesity starts ti become a problem for some kids
School Age : Physical Development ( Fine and Gross Motor Skills)
- Build strength and further develop muscle
- Holding and moving across monkey bars without support
- Ride a bike without training wheels
- Build strength and further develop muscle
School Age: Intellectual Development ( how they learn, what they learn, how they express language)
- Read age required books
- Can repeat some numbers backwards
- Can distinguish commands from questions
- Read age required books
School Age: Social-Emotional Development
- Attracted to the opposite gender
- Spending less time with family more with friends
- Self-esteem is difficult to maintain
- Attracted to the opposite gender