Stage of Pregnancy Timeline

By 17Lizzy
  • Zygote

    Zygote begins to grow by cell division while it is still in the fallopian tube
  • Zygotes

    Implants in the lining of the uterus and is covered by that lining
  • Zygote

    After around 4 days of growth the zygote will finally arrive at the opening to the uterus
  • Zygote

    Lining of the uterus has thickened enough to provide a place for the zygote to attach itself
  • Zygote

    No longer a zygote now an embryo
  • Embryonic

    What the developing baby is called from around the third week through the eighth week
  • Embryonic

    Cells begin to separate and develop into the major systems of the human body
  • Embryonic

    This includes the heart, lungs, bones, and muscles
  • Embryonic

    Tube in the back of a developing baby that will become the brain and spinal cord.
  • Embryonic

    Placenta and umbilical cord provide all of a baby's needs until birth.
  • Fetal

    What the developing baby is called from around nine weeks of pregnancy up until birth.
  • Fetal

    Making movements during fourth and fifth month, the kicks and other movements of the fetus touching the wall of the uterus
  • Fetal

    During the last few months development continues, preparing the fetus to live independently.
  • Fetal

    By month eight the fetus sleeps about 90% of the day.
  • Fetal

    As the fetus grows so does the amniotic fluid.