St. Joan of Arc

  • Nov 23, 1407

    Louis, Duke of Orleans, is assasinated

    Louis, Duke of Orleans, is assasinated
    John, the Duke of Burgundy, organized the assasination of Louis, Duke of Orleans, while both of them were staying in Paris. This began an inconsistently active civil war in northern France. (Lowell 1896, 4) Image:
  • Jan 6, 1412

    Birth of St. Joan

    Birth of St. Joan
    St. Joan of Arc was born in Domremy, France on January 6 1412. Image:
  • 1415

    Lancastrian Phase of the 100 Years War Begins

    Lancastrian Phase of the 100 Years War Begins
    The Lancastrian phase of the 100 years war began with King Henry V's invasion of Normandy. This invasion was made possible by King Henry consolidating his power in England and the civil war between the Armagnacs (supporters of Charles VII) and Burgundians in France. (Lowell 1896,5) The English had the upper hand in this phase of the war up until the campaigns of St. Joan of Arc. Image:
  • Oct 25, 1415

    Battle of Agincourt

    Battle of Agincourt
    The battle of Agincourt was a major victory for Henry V and a defeat for France that opened the way to further English conquests. The French defeat was partly caused by the lack of support from Burgundy, the weather slowing down the horses, the power of the English longbowman, innovative English tactics, and Henry's prudent choice for a battlefield location. (Martinez 2021, Image: in the cited article
  • 1419

    John, Duke of Burgundy, is killed

    John, Duke of Burgundy, is killed
    Charles VII and John the Duke of Burgundy agreed to meet at the bridge over the Yonne at Montereau. Even though they had taken every precaution to avoid an assasination, John was still murdered by a former servant of the dead Duke Louis. (Lowell 1896, 7) Image:
  • May 21, 1420

    Treaty of Troyes signed

    Treaty of Troyes signed
    Henry V was able to force Charles VI to sign the treaty of Troyes, labelling Henry V and his successors as the heirs to the French crown, due to pressure from Phillip, the Duke of Burgundy, and the successor of John who had just been killed. (Lowell 1896, 7) Image:
  • 1422

    Henry V of England and Charles VI of France die

    Henry V of England and Charles VI of France die
    Henry V died on August 13 1422, leaving the kingdom of England to his infant son, Henry VI. Charles VI died the same year on October 21 1422. Due to the treaty of Troyes which designated the successors of Henry V as the successors to the throne of France, both England and France were officially ruled by the infant, Henry VI. Charles VII would not stop fighting in this situation as he had no strong rival. Image:
  • 1425

    St. Joan's first Recorded Vision

    St. Joan's first Recorded Vision
    St. Joan's village was raided by the forces of Henry of Orly. Even though Henry fought for neither side of the hundred years war, the raid caused the people of Joan's village to believe that peace would only come when the English were driven from France. Shortly after this raid, St. Joan began to receive visions. She first had a vision of St. Michael the Archangel who would tell her to live a virtuous life. (Lowell 1896, 27-28) Image:
  • Mar 1, 1429

    St. Joan Arrives in Chinon

    St. Joan Arrives in Chinon
    St. Joan arrived in Chinon where Charles VII held court on March 6 1429. ( One legend states that the court tested her by telling her a different mad was Charles VII, but Joan's voices revealed to her who Charles truly was. (Morrison 2016, 171) Image:
  • May 8, 1429

    St. Joan Breaks the Siege of Orleans (

    St. Joan Breaks the Siege of Orleans (
    The siege of Orleans began on October 12, 1428. St. Joan arrived in the city, hoping to relieve the siege, on the 31st of April 1429. She would fight three battles and then confront the last of the English forces on the 8th of May. since it was Sunday, she did not fight them. She had a priest celebrate two masses in-front of her army, and the last English forces left. (Lowell 1896, 95-114) Image:,_Jeanne_d%27Arc_au_si%C3%A8ge_d%27Orl%C3%A9ans.jpg
  • Jul 17, 1429

    Charles VII Crowned King of France in Rheims

    Charles VII Crowned King of France in Rheims
    Through her insistence and charisma, St. Joan convinced Charles VII to journey to Rheims where he would be crowned. Many cities opposed him with words, but they all surrendered to him shortly after or before his arrival. After being crowned on the 17th of August, many cities in Northern France surrendered to Charles. However, the guidance Joans voices gave her became less clear. (Lowell 1896, 139-160) Image:
  • Sep 8, 1429

    The Siege of Paris

    The Siege of Paris
    St. Joan began the siege of Paris on September 3rd after a long campaign advancing toward the city. The day after Charles VII arrived, on September 8th, the birthday of Mary, the Mother of God, St. Joan attempted to stormed the city, fearing Charles would retreat if she waited. The attack failed and the French army retreated. (Lowell 1896, 171-179) Image:
  • May 23, 1430

    St. Joan is Captured

    St. Joan is Captured
    St. Joan went on a campaign to defend the city of Compiegne from a Burgundian attack. After her fellow commanders abandoned the city, Joan decided to continue fighting for it anyways. After sallying out to attack the Burgundians, Joan was captured in an ambush since she chose to stay with the reargaurd. (Lowell 1896, 206-222) Image:
  • Jan 9, 1431

    The Condemnation Trial of St. Joan of Arc Begins

    The Condemnation Trial of St. Joan of Arc Begins
    The condemnation Trial of St. Joan of Arc is the most comprehensive record we have of a trial in the 15th century. We know so much about St. Joan's life primarily because of this trial and the later rehabilitation trial. When the trial began, there was no question she would be condemned as it was conducted by her enemies. Nonetheless, Joan defended herself expertly. Full text of the trial and image used here:
  • May 30, 1431

    Death of St. Joan

    Death of St. Joan
    After Joan was convicted of heresy and sentenced to death, she signed a letter of recantation, though she may not have known exactly what she was signing. After being held in the same prison that she was taken out of, Joan re-affirmed her belief in her visions and put on men's clothing, so she was burned at the stake. (Lowell 1896, 316-341) Image:
  • 1436

    A Joan of Arc Imposter Deceives Joan's Brothers

    A Joan of Arc Imposter Deceives Joan's Brothers
    Claude de Armoises was a Joan of Arc imposter that became extremely popular, particularly once Joan's own brothers visited her and confirmed her story. After this, she lived a wild life, becoming the mistress of the count of Luxembourg and the wife of a knight who she soon left. She was quickly excommunicated and then exposed by the King himself in 1439. (Lowell 1896, 345-348) Image:
  • Oct 19, 1453

    Surrender of Bordeaux

    Surrender of Bordeaux
    Bordeaux had been part of English domains since the reign of Henry II, the French regime was unfamiliar to them, so they resisted as long as they could. After the French defeated an English army at the battle of Castillon, Bordeaux surrendered, marking the traditional end of the hundred years war. (Britannica 2022, Image:
  • Jul 7, 1456

    Joan of Arc Declared Innocent by the Nullification Trial

    Joan of Arc Declared Innocent by the Nullification Trial
    The Nullification Trial of Joan of Arc began on the 7th of November 1455 and ended on the 7th of July 1456. The trial is a crucial primary source for studying Joan's life. The rehabilitation trial would also rebuild her reputation in the Catholic Church and lay the foundation for her eventual canonization. Full Text of the Trial:
  • Aug 29, 1475

    Treaty of Picquigny

    Treaty of Picquigny
    Despite the fact that the surrender of Bordeaux marks the traditional end of the hundred years war, the treaty of Picquigny effectively ended all hostilities between England and France. (Britannica, editors, 2020: Image:;_an_alliance_between_the_King_of_England_and_the_King_of_France,_possibly_depicting_the_Treaty_of_Picquigny.jpg
  • Canonization of St. Joan of Arc

    Canonization of St. Joan of Arc
    After the Rehabilitation trial of St. Joan of Arc, the cause for her canonization would eventually wane even though her influence remained strong. It wasn't until the bishop of Orleans expressly wished for her canonization in the 1869 celebration of the lifting of the siege of Orleans that investigation began. (Lowell 1896, 372) She was canonized 51 years and 9 days later. Image: