Period: 570 to 570
Muhammad´s Call to Prophethood - Early life/family
- Born into Hashim family of the Quraysh tribe in in 570
- Angels told his mother to name him
- His dad died before his birth
- Mother died when he was six
- Not very smart
- Seeker of solitude
Period: 570 to 570
Arabia before Muhammad - Quraysh
- Powerful tribe
- Protects the Kaaba for a fee
Period: 570 to 570
Arabia before Muhammad - Mecca
- Trade stop and the religious center of Arabia
- Mecca is where the Kaaba is (Kaaba is a shrine of 300 religious idols)
- Diverse population (Arabs, Christians, Jews, etc.)
- Settled because of fresh water well
Period: 570 to 570
Arabia before Muhammad - early Arabs
- Most of Arabia's first settlers were nomadic tribes (Bedouins)
- Descendants of Noah/Abraham's sons
- Valued swords and camels
- Did not have a strong central government
- Polytheistic
- Worked for widow, Khadija and married her, had 7 children only one survived
- His daughter Fatima married his cousin Ali
Suspecting something is wrong
Disturbed by the problems around him (Unfair wealth concentration, warring tribes) so he goes to the mountain/cave to pray -
His visions and teachings
- Got a vision from Gabriel and spread his teachings after re treating to the cave -Told the people they were not forced to convert
- Told the rich to share what they had with the poor and to protect the weak
- Pray three times a day
Facing discrimination
- Merchants and the Quraysh were not happy with his teachings
- People were not allowed to sell to Muslims, causing starvation
- Boycott lasted two years
First Islamic Community
- A tribe from Yathrib went and talked to Muhammad
- Tired of fighting, converted to Islam
- Promising to protect each other, they became to the first Islamic community
Leaving Mecca
- Muhammad and his followers left Mecca for Yathrib
- First Mosque
- Maximum standard for wives would be 4
- In Madina everyone was allowed to worship freely
- Changed the way they pray to be towards Mecca
Constitution of Medina
- A document created by Muhammad that gave Christians and Jews certain rights and responsibilities
- Gave them religious freedom if they payed a tax
- Part of the Caliphate budget
Muhammad’s death and his impact
- Muhammad dies and the religion still spread
- More than 1.5 million Muslims today
Riddah Wars
Series of conflict between Muslims and Arabs, after Muhammad died and Abu Bakr took over. The Arabian tribes refused to follow Abu Bakr. -
Period: 632 to 634
Caliph Abu Bakr
The first leader after Muhammad’s death, he was a close friend and original follower of Muhammad. The Islamic community began to fall apart, so, he set out to bring it back together.
Conquered tribes and forced them back into Islam as well as neighboring countries and Arab groups. -
Period: 634 to 644
Caliph Umar
- Picked up where Abu left off
- Harsh but intelligent ruler
- Recognized the importance of Islamic unity
- Helped the strengthen the foundation of Islam
- Conquered parts on the Byzantine empire, Iran, Egypt, and Jerusalem
- Started an official version of the Quran that stabilized the Islamic community (Finished in 652)
Period: 644 to 656
Caliph Uthman
- Made an official version of the Quran that stabilized the Islamic community and destroyed all other versions
- Similar to the kinds of things Umar did
- Married two of Muhammad’s daughters
- Conquered Iran, North Africa, and the Caucuses
- Gave his family good jobs which angered many
- Assassinated
- Civil war when his murderers did not get punished
Period: 656 to 661
Caliph Ali
- Muhammad's cousin
- Controversy on if he should rule or not (split into Shi'a and Sunni Muslims, first fitna)
- Eventually assassinated
Period: 661 to 750
Umayyad Dynasty
- Ruled from 661–750
- Largely expanded emipre with North Africa, Spain, and some of Central Asia
- 100 year Arab expansion
- First great Islamic dynasty
Period: 750 to 1258
Abbasid Dynasty
- One of the two most important dynasties
- overthrown by the Mongols
- Expanded out to the east (capital city Baghdad)
Period: 1095 to 1291
The Crusades
- Brutal series of campaigns of Christians towards Muslims
- Christians tried to take back land the Islamic Empire had taken
- 9 Crusades
- In Jerusalem (holy land), Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Spain and Anatolia
- Outcomes: Death, did little to expand Christian power, Muslims regained control