Spread of Islam

  • 1520 BCE

    Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent

    Because he takes over this continues making Islam stay strong
  • 1492 BCE

    All Muslims (and Jews) expelled from Spain

    All Muslims (and Jews) expelled from Spain
    Because they're expelled this declines the spread of islam
  • 1300 BCE

    Tamerlane leads armies into the middle east

    Tamerlane leads armies into the middle east
    This spreads Islam into the Middle East and continues the spread of islam
  • 1258 BCE

    grandson of Genghiz kills the last Abbassid caliph

    grandson of Genghiz kills the last Abbassid caliph
    Because of this there is a decline in the spread of islam
  • 1216 BCE

    Genghiz Khan led Mongols out of Central Asia

    Since they were invaded the spread of islam declined
  • 1187 BCE

    Salah al-Din ousted Christians

    because they drove them out Islamic culture began to spread
  • 1099 BCE

    Christian crusaders capture Jerusalem

    Christian crusaders capture Jerusalem
    Because of this there is a increase in Christianity
  • 1095 BCE

    Seljuk interference with Pope Urban the second

    Because christianity spreads Islamic culture declines.
  • 1055 BCE

    A Seljuk Sultan is in control of Baghdad

    This event let Turks convert to Islam and contributed to the spread of islam
  • 900 BCE

    Seljuk turks migrate into the middle east from Central Asia

    Because they migrated it helped to add to the spread of Islam
  • 850 BCE

    Control over the Arab empire fragmented

    Control over the Arab empire fragmented
    Separate dynasties take over places such as Egypt and Spain. Parts of the Arab empire is invaded by the Shiite
  • 750 BCE

    Abu l'Abbas becomes caliph

    Abu al Abbas captures domiscus and it spreads the religion
  • 732 BCE

    Muslim empire stretches as far as it can

    Muslim empire stretches as far as it can
    The spread of Islam declines when the armies are defeated
  • 711 BCE

    Muslims enter spain

    Muslims enter spain
    When the muslim armies travel into Spain and France it helps with the spread of Islam.
  • 661 BCE

    Ali is murdered and Mu'awiya becomes caliph

    Ali is murdered and Mu'awiya becomes caliph
    Ali is killed and most of Persia, Arabia and Egypt are conquered by Islam and this is the beginning of the spread of islam
  • 632 BCE

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad dies
    Muhammad dies from an illness and a guy named Abu Bakr continued his work. Muhammad's death ultimately declines the spread of islam.