
  • Period: to

    Environmentalist Approach

    Audiolingual approach: Speaking skills over writing skills.
  • Skinner

    Behaviorist: stimulus with response: repetition, imitation.
  • Chomsky Cognitive Theorists

    Chomsky Cognitive Theorists
    Language Acquisition device (LAD). Shuts down after age 12. This allows children to be able to gain language skills naturally through the use of a Universal Grammar. Introduced the ideas of Competence: How language is structured and Performance: creative use of the language.
  • Period: to

    Interactionist Approach

    This focuses on the cognitive ability of learners, looking at how we produce language meaning we plan it out first. Language is something we need to function and thus we learn it.
  • Communicative Competence

    Communicative Competence
    Created bz Hymes: what role does context and social factors play in language both use and understanding. This goes beyond the grammar and structure.
  • All the Competences!

    Canale and Swain took communicative competence and narrowed it down to for others.
  • Krashen

    Krashen formed his Input Hypothesis, which shows that language is acquired based on input given to the learners. There is no output required. The input must be meaningful.
  • Vygotsky and ZPD

    Vygotsky and ZPD
    This is what most teachers would call differentiation, as we need to meet the students where they are and scaffold to where they need to go. Chomsky's input hypothesis works perfectly with this.
  • Swaine Output Hypothesis

    This goes against Krashen and states, that output and production is needed for acquisition, as it allows learner to recognize what they can and cannot do with language.
  • Long Interaction Hypothesis

    Input comes from a variety of sources and needs to be used for comprehension and acquisition. Thus then the learned interacts with the language authentically and that is when acquisition happens. This is when negotiation of meaning happens.
  • Update the Competences

    Update the Competences
    They were updated to show the interrelatedness between all the competences.