Association for Children with Learning Disabilities
An association of parents, educators, adults with disabilities, and professionals to address the difficulties created by learning disabilities, starting with the passage of the first federal legislation mandating a free, appropriate, public education for students with disabilities. -
Rehabilitation Act
PL 93-112, the Rehabilitation Act, is enacted; Section 504 prohibits the discrimination against individuals with disabilities. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Landmark legislation ensures, among other provisions, a free appropriate public education for all children with disabilities. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
(PL 101-336) becomes law; prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
Commonly known as (IDEA), PL 101-476 was passed among other provisions, emphasizing transitional planning for adolescents with disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(PL 105-17) is reauthorized, providing a major retooling and expansion of services for students with disabilities and their families. -
No Child Left Behind Act
(PL 107-110) is enacted; consisting of a major educational reform effort focusing on academic achievement of students and qualifications of teachers. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
(PL 108-446) is passed; aligning IDEA legislation with provisions of No Child Left Behind; Modifies the individualized education program process in addition to changes affecting school discipline, due process, and evaluation of students with disabilities. -
Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments
(PL 110-325) are enacted; expands statutory interpretation of a disability while affording individuals with disabilities greater protections. -
Rosa's Law
(PL 111-256) is enacted; removes the terms "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" from federal health, education, and labor statues. Preferred language is now intellectual disability.