
SPED Timeline

  • Brown vs. the Board of Education

    Brown vs. the Board of Education
    The Supreme Courts' ruling ended separate but equal schools. This meant that due to a diverse population children with handicaps cannot be excluded from school.
  • The Education of the Mentally Retarded Children act

    was an amendment to the national defense education act which is known to be the first law for special education. this granted funds to train teachers or leadership personnel to teach children who are considered to be mentally retarded.
  • Miles vs. board of education

    this was a judgemental case saying that students with a disability regardless of how severe it is should be entitled to the correct placement for their needs. This reenforces funding for special education.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC) vs. Commonwealth Pennsylvania

    PARC and 13 children was a class action lawsuit against the commonwealth for failure to provide its mentally retarded children with supported education. The result was to not deny education and to identify the age of any children with mental retardation and place them in a free public program.
  • The Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    1. free education
    2. the right of due process
    3. no restrictive enviroments
    4. individual education programs
  • Howard s vs Friendswood independent school act

    was a case where a student was having behavioral problems and was denied his parent's suggestion of getting special needs. the school ended up paying for his tuition in a private school and getting a psychiartist
  • Evans vs Board of education of Rhinebeck central school district

    overturns a schools decision and awards family with tuition at a private school since the IEP failed to identify deficit areas due to its outdated information and did not adequately set forth strategies for evaluating the process
  • Honig v. Doe

    if a student is misbehaving due to their disability that student isn't denied their education.
  • Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District

    a 13-year-old boy was denied special education when he was diagnosed with several cases of being disabilities. the school saw that the student wouldn't benefit from the programs. the courts then overturned their judgments.
  • Individuals with disabilities education act IDEA

    "a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children."
  • references

    Martin, E. W., Martin, R., & Terman, D.L. (1996). The legislative and litigation history of special education.
    National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (1999-2008). A User's Guide to the 2004 IDEA
    Noteworthy Cases. Notes to Non-lawyers
    Reauthorization. Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
  • References

    Special Education for Students with Disabilities, Vol. 6, No. 1, p.25.
    Wrights Law. (2008). Special Education Caselaw. US Supreme Court I Courts of Appeals District Courts 1