SPED Timeline

  • national defense education act

    provided funding for training professionals to train teachers of children with intellectual disabilities.
  • Special Education Act

    provided funds for training professionals to trian teachers of deaf children
  • Elementary and secondary education

    provided money to states and local districts for developing programs fro children with disabilites and economic issues.
  • handicap childrens early assistance act

    established the first chance network of experimantal programs for preschool children with disabilities.
  • education amendments of 1970

    mandated a study of the gifted.
  • section 504 of the rehabilition act

    said that a person cannot be excluded on the base of disability alone.
  • gifted and talented childrens education

    provided funds for in-service training programs, research, and other projects aimed at meeting the needs of gifted and talented students.
  • developmental disabilities assistance and bill of rights act

    mandated the development of employment-related training activities for adults with disabilities.
  • rehabilitation act amendment

    set forth regulations for the development of supported employment programs for adults with disabilities.
  • technology-related assistance for individuals with disabilities act of 1988

    created statewide assistance for technology for people with disabilities.